“I want to manifest more money doing what I love, but I keep getting more and more confused with what I am reading on facebook. Do I need to do anything or not besides imagine what I want? Doesn’t doing something imply that it isn’t here yet?” – Nate
Hey mate,
You are doing great. So you’ve defined your aim, who you choose to be in the world – doing what you love and what you choose to experience – more money as a result. Good job. And if we read the lessons of Neville more completely, this will clear things right up for you Nate.
Let’s dive into this Neville Goddard quote:
“THE QUESTION is often asked, “What should be done between the assumption of the wish fulfilled and its realization?” Nothing. It is a delusion that, other than assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you can do anything to aid the realization of your desire. You think that you can do something, you want to do something; but actually you can do nothing”. Neville Goddard
What does Neville really mean?
Remember, Neville teaches that your miracles will manifest in the most natural way possible. So does this really mean do NOTHING at all and stand back and wait? Let’s continue with this quote of Neville’s and bring in the part many people skip.
“The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based. Everything happens automatically. All that befalls you, all that is done by you – happens.” – Neville Goddard
This paragraph you just read is ROCK SOLID GOLD. Neville says, ” Everything happens automatically”, and then goes on to explain EXACTLY what that means.
All that befalls you, all that is done by you – happens.”
Many people get the first part, “all that befalls you” – that is what is beyond your body and your mind. But most people totally miss the second part, “all that is done by you – happens”.
And that’s the great news Nate. “All that is done by you – happens”. You get to start doing more of what you love right now, and you get to do it lovingly – with ease – knowing that the cause (the imaginal act) is already done doing it’s job.
The imaginal act is the source of the whole universe is moving, including your body – naturally – automatically – so that you get to experience your wish fulfilled.
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Remember, when you are living in the state…
…of the wish fulfilled, your reactions to the world change. You no longer make decisions as the old you would, so you can’t help but start doing what the new you would do. You make the decisions that the new you would make, and what is “done by you” as this new person – happens naturally
“Your assumptions, conscious or unconscious, direct all thought and action to their fulfilment To understand the law of assumption, to be convinced of its truth, means getting rid of all the illusions about free will to act.”
“Free will actually means freedom to select any idea you desire. By assuming the idea already to be a fact, it is converted into reality. Beyond that, free will ends, and everything happens in harmony with the concept assumed.”
Real Life Example: The state of “loving teacher” is what has me write these articles and answer emails every day.
There is no “free will” involved on a daily basis, I am the “teacher / writer”, so I write and teach. Free will was used to choose the state of “teacher / writer” years ago, and that state is what makes my body write the articles.
Writing and teaching are part of the natural harmony of the life of the teacher / writer.
Thank you for writing Nate, and remember you are the operant power. Feel Your Ideal As Real.
Many blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
eBook: Freedom – 75 Core Lessons on STATE – Click here!
The Feel it Real Power Pack – Learn EXACTLY what to do – and what not to do – to make your dreams your reality.
Article: The Difference Between Feeling It Good and Feeling It Real
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Excellent!!! Thank you very much…
Sometimes it is just too much, the wow power of how you teach this. I am reconsidering the last part there where you said the free will ended when the state of the writer/teacher was entered into and fulfilled. Can you comment more on that?
Thanks Thanks Thanks
Hi Lisa,
I don’t have any free will in responding to your request here.
Living from the state of “author / teacher” – has me replying to it.
I could choose to exit that state – which would potentially have me not replying – but this is the state I have chosen to live from. So it has me checking the comments, replying, teaching and sharing.
My life is very simple because of this. The states I have moved into or created – – make most of “my decisions” for me.
And that let’s me enjoy the ride so much more.
TT (and V too)
PS: I have applied this to addicts with some very interesting and lovely results. Part of the problem of “addiction” is that often the addict notices they don’t have “free will” around the drug / drink of choice. They often never fully realize the solution – adopt a new state – that’s where the free will actually is. Blessings!
Thanks for posting this article. It's good to remember that what you assume is fact becomes reality.
what if I desire, wish and assume, that I have a solo exhibition in a gallery but I don't paint pictures. I just sit and enjoy my imagination go wild. Would it happen? so many pieces of information are missing….
Great One !! Thank-you for the reminder and the expanded explanation! Neville’s explanation of what Free Will is and is not has been one of my favourites of his teachings…
I have read this again and again tonight…
Just reading Neville’s words where it says “you do nothing” gives such relief… What luxury! You do nothing… :))….
Indeed, when we have appropriated the state, it happens itself… :))
And, thanks again so much for this!!
Hi Angel,
Remember too, “you do nothing” doesn’t mean what many people think it means.
Doing nothing means not forcing it to happen, or pushing to make it happen.
It will happen in the most natural way possible is what Neville teaches, and that is what many of his stories focus on as well.
TT and V
Hi Irma,
If you are going to have paintings in a gallery – you are going to have to paint them.
Just like if you wanted an answer to an email – you would have to write the email.
TT and V
About “doing nothing”…..
My husband has had a persistent dry cough for years. He is not concerned, and believes in the power of thoughts and feelings. So to go to get it checked out, which is the most logical thing, as to benefit from early intervention, would bring about a possible serious diagnosis that would affect our thoughts and feelings, causing us to work harder at eliminating fear and the words of the “professional”. The Neville way is to not get medical involvement, for me to spend more time ignoring the cough, and visualizing the perfect lungs, the cough gone, and feeling how great it feels that my husband is healthy completely. He is not a dedicated visualizer, so it would be me doing that job. Is that all that is required? What about another’s life path? Am I interfering with it? Could it be his path to go through a serious illness, for his growth, and I would be interfering with that? How much do our desires for another’s happiness and health, when we “Nevillize” them, interfere with their path of learning?
Hi Christine,
Here’s my experience. If I get a broken bone, using the power of the mind – I can heal it in about 7 days.
I’ve done this several times. However, if the bone isn’t set by a doctor, it will heal in what ever position it is in. Which might not be the best position.
Neville’s way wasn’t to stay away from doctors. That would be like choosing not to eat food ever again – because we can imagine the benefits of eating food. Neville teaches that “it will happen in the most natural way”. And many times mentions, that people will say, “it would have happened anyway” because it happened in the most natural way – which for healing might include seeing a doctor or eating much more healthier.
Quick example, Neville’s family imagined being wealthy. They chunked down a bit and imagined business doing great. His brother Victor chunked down a bit more and imagined owning a very specific building, and they had it bought for them – with an interest free – personal loan.
Notice they didn’t just imagine wealth – and be done with it. Hope that helps with that bit.
As far as another’s life path etc… We do as every great spiritual teacher has taught…
We have loving intentions and imaginings for seeming others. It’s all invitational. They either accept “the invite” or not. Either way, we get blessed by it.
Imagine your fella being well. If you are he is drawn to see a doctor or eat healthier – those can be part of the bridge of incident to that health. Same with just about anything.
Big love to you two!
TT and V
From our childhood to the youth the only teaching was given to work hard and even harder to achieve something. But here it turns upside down. Mind find it tough to comprehend. Please help.
I have a piece of land on the market with a realtor and would like it sold so I can use the proceeds for a useful way–is there anything I can be doing or affirmation to quicken this endeavor
Hi Anil!
Keep reading the lessons mate. They will keep sinking into deeper and deeper levels.
Notice how Neville kept teaching the same things – in different ways – again and again.
Keep reading and keep applying.
TT and V
This is one of my favorite teachings from Neville. I love it when he says, “It is a delusion that, other than assuming the wish fulfilled, you can do anything to aid in the realization of your desire.
This makes perfect sense to me because I know that the subconscious mind is the doer – the driver of my behavior. This is precisely why I get into a state akin to sleep to impress my subconscious mind with my ideal – my wish fulfilled. Once this impression takes hold, the rest unfolds automatically through me. All of my thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, insights, and hunches will all flow through me because I appropriated my ideal state of being within my consciousness. Whatever I have created in my imagination and done with my inner spiritual body, must be duplicated and expressed by my outer physical body – as within, so without. By doing my Feel It Real sessions, I am creating a gap between the inner (spiritual) me and the outer (physical) me. The Universe abhors a vacuum, so it will create a bridge of incidents to close that gap. This is why we are advised to do nothing – the subconscious mind is doing all of the work. The subconscious mind is “the Father within that has ways that we know not of” so we can relax, have fun and know that all is well. 🙂
Rock on Patty!
Everything I do – is run by the state I am in. And choosing the state – makes life great.
The state I live in picks my meals, determines if I answer an email (and how) and the kinds of conversations I will have.
That’s where “free will” is. Choose the most loving and empowering state you can – and enjoy the ride!
Blessings to you!
TT and V
Yes, assume the wish fulfilled. Walk in it, feel it breathe it, smell it. In your mind.In your heart. The results of that will produce some thing.
From where I sit, my thought is there are a couple missing bits that don’t get mentioned,(far as I can tell or remember) that for me, added a bit more clarity.
The first, know the difference between longing for some thing and imagining it already here.
The longing for something will in all cases, not produce the looked for results.It’s a state of being that by it’s nature, says it ain’t gonna happen. Whereas the imagining it already manifest, will produce some thing.
The other bit, awareness. As when we do as Neville writes, living in imagining it in etc, we are a part of it in our minds eye in real time. Fact is as Neville says the universe will respond, can but not respond to the thought of the wish fulfilled.
Just be aware that things, people, whatever is needed to make that happen may be something completely out of our thought realm as to the “how”.
For me personally, realizing these bits, and making sure they are firmly planted when I go about my dailies, has made a huge difference.
Just my 2 cents worth 20.
Nevelle tells us to: Construct an Imaginable Scene – which would imply – the state of the wish fulfilled. Assume the feelings of passionate joy, excitement, and thanksgiving of the desire fulfilled. In other words have Faith that you have the desire.
FAITH is FEELING and ACTING as If the Thing you want, has Happened.
Neville wants you to take INSPIRED ACTION.
When I was unemployed and looking for a job, I would do my visualizations and Affirmations. I dressed up in my business attire with a made up badge around my neck when I woke up. Those clothes and badge made me FEEL employable. I never went outside in sloppy jeans and unkempt appearance. In fact my neighbor said, “I thought you had a job because you did not look depressed or sloppy.”
I would get on the internet looking for jobs. I heard Spirit tell me….Val look here, or drive by a building and hear…there is a job in this building just like you use to do. ( I found the job on career builder and applied for that job, went to the interview but did not get it. I affirmed,”That’s okay. That was just practice. Next one is mine. I am employable. I am gainfully employed!”).
Once when my computer broke down, I went to the library to use their computers. I had applied with the State Government like Spirit told me to. ( I later got this job) This girl came up to me whom I did not know and had never seen. She said “Please give me the site for the state jobs. I am out of work also.”
Hi Valvacious,
Natural action – seems to be the major key.
Victoria and I imagine health, and we naturally end up doing what healthy people do.
Eating well, physically active, nutritional supplements.
None of that CAUSES wellness, because we all know people who eat well, are active, and take vitamins – who are sick – because they imagine sickness.
Imagine wellness, and your body – which is part of the universe – will do – what needs to be done – naturally.
Have fun!
TT and V
Hi Paul,
We get that most people miss exactly what you are saying, but we do teach that here and so does Neville.
Desire is the first step, a longing, a hunger is felt. Then the feeling of desire – gets to be let go of – and replaced with assumption. And assumption – drives changes in everything physical – including the physical body, and behaivour.
Most people also miss that if it takes 10,000 people for it to manifest, they will respond. And often, almost every single time, that includes you (your body, your thinking).
Have fun!
TT and V
Thanks 20.
And that last bit. . . most definitely.
Form my understanding : if i love to workout and get that perfect definition of my body i should not only imagine it but also think from it .Which means going to the gym or doing activities that I like .Is that correct ?
Thank you so much ,form helping me becoming what I want, your information italiano is really helping me
Ohhh i thought of this last night.. Was having resistance I guess… Surrendered…
N i hey this past in the morning 🙂
I’ll do nothing.. And it will happen in the most natural way.. Loveeee…
I have a query here… I had be a friend who’s suffering with “lazy eye”… She’s very very pretty, but this thing had made her feel she’s not enough, or is less in some way… Despite the fact that we all get to make her comfortable… What do you recommend that i Visualize for her? That she’s confident about her looks and looks fabulous… N that there is no squinty eye thingie going on.. N she is perfect?
Hi Twenty – looping back through the lessons and email I am here again. And yes, more clear and now so much more fully understanding the ending of free will. The choice made, now living from that state. And living from that state -the old me, that decided and “chose” things a certain way is no longer there. No longer making choices that and as… my old me.
Living from the wish fulfilled is a simple statement. And the more I get used to my power, the more I get used to it just being this simple, well, it is so! I watch my own mind try to complicate and make more complex, mising the tools with the truth. Simple truth.
Thank you Twenty a thousand times for bringing such light and clarity to this driving thing in me to understand.
I assumed the wish fulfilled. That a story I submitted to a particular publication was now printed. Held an imaginary conversation, and as someone said awhile back, “I felt the thrill of their words”..two beloved friends were asking me, “How did you do it? They published your funny, cool, great story?” And I felt it real, telling them, and smiling as I basked in the warmth of the telling. Next morning, when I actually checked my e.mails, there was one, from the editor I had submitted the story to. It was a permission form, which I was asked to fill in, online, sign and then Fax to them, so that my work would move to the NEXT step – publication. I am now doing feel it reals, as I sit here, opening the box which contains copies of the book, where my work is published in it!
I know im repliying to an old comment because i receved this email on this last night but basically your saying the state you created to live is doing the action for you To reply to peoples questions and the writing and being a puppy dad etc?!?!
That’s it! You nailed it Chris!