Hey mate,
We just added this short video about why FreeNeville.com started back in 2006, why we do what we do – and the Feel It Real Power Pack.
Enjoy and be blessed, and enjoy the article below.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
“The truth in Neville Goddard’s teachings saved my life, taking me from living a living hell nightmare existence, to living a heavenly life that helps others create more peace, power and prosperity for themselves and those they love. ” – Mr Twenty Twenty
Mr Twenty Twenty and his wife Victoira share the Neville Goddard teachings, give away recordings and other goodies (to their email list) and give away the HUGE Neville Goddard Lecture Database FREE, because they know how powerfully these teachings can change lives – lives just like yours.
How Neville Goddard helped save one man’s life.
Back in 1989, he was a young newlywed man, who did what just about everyone does everyday, he got up, got dressed and went to work. Four hours later, he was taken hostage in one of the three worst prison riots in United States history – the Camp Hill Prison Riots.
“Back then, I suffered with a condition known as PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD for me was a living hell, living with nightmares, flashbacks, severe self doubt – literally all my symptoms were caused by my IMAGINATION BEING OUT OF CONTROL.”
In time, Mr Twenty Twenty cured myself of all that, and became PTSD FREE by taking control of his imagination. He needed to become a new man again, and create a new reality for himself, and he knew that to do that required that he learn everything he could about running his own mind, and that is what brought him to Neville Goddard.”
- From a recent interview with Mr Twenty Twenty.
“The teachings of Neville Goddard – those were the final key to me healing myself of Post Traumatic Stress / Post Shock Stress Disorder.”
“When I started studying the Neville Goddard Lectures, I was completely blown away. Here I was, reading the words of a man who unlocked the keys to the universe. Not only could he apparently manifest almost anything, he understood WHY we were able to do that.”
“I learned by using Neville’s teachings, that you can create a new state to live from – that you can be who you have wanted to be – you can create a new set of circumstances in your life, because you are greater than any state – and learning this helps you to create new levels of peace, power and prosperity, and also it helps you to realize the true source of happiness – your unity with God.” – FREEDOM LESSONS
That’s why we do what we do. We keep collecting and sharing Neville Goddard’s works, producing articles, and training materials to help others learn how to effectively use Neville’s teachings, so they can create change in their lives. If we can help just one more person a day with the details they need to get the results they want – we can change the world. – Mr Twenty Twenty
Thank you for visiting our community service site – FreeNeville.com