“How can I tell if I am doing what Neville teaches right?” – Julie
Hi Julie,
Did you know….
Neville actually gave us a WARNING about Feeling It Real.
You’ll read about it below, and really – this is GOOD NEWS. Because once you heed his warning and dive deep enough – this becomes easy as pie and your sessions actually work!
Let’s dive in…
“Now, how will I know that I have changed the feeling of “I”? By beginning first with an uncritical observation of my reactions to life and then noticing my reactions when I think I am identified with my choice. If I assume that I am the man that I want to be, let me observe my reactions.” – Neville Goddard
Here’s the key: When you change “the feeling of I”…
…(when you are living from the state of your wish fulfilled), your reactions CHANGE.
For example, when I walk from the state of “the writer who blesses thousands of people each day”, the email that a frustrated reader sends to me – inspires me to do what I can to help -and a great article (or even a short book) gets written. (If I wasn’t living from that state, I wouldn’t be writing this article.)
When I walk from the state of loving husband – I am here for my lovely wife. I take out the trash without being asked, I hold the car door open – with pleasure. It’s something I enjoy – when living from that state. (If that state slipped, I’d know it pretty darn fast!)
When I walk from the state of accepted and forgiven – guilt and rejection (from childhood programming) simply just fade away.
TAKE AWAY: How would you react to the world …
…if you walked from the state of your wish fulfilled today? (Now, do your sessions, so you can walk from that state.) Why did Neville say this is so important?
“If they (my reactions) are as they were, I have not identified myself with my choice, for my reactions are automatic and so if I am changed I would automatically change my reactions to life. So the changing of the feeling of “I” results in a change of reaction, which change of reaction is a change of environment and behavior.” – Neville Goddard
Once your reactions change – the reactions of everything “in the universe” change. Think about it – your reactions – are expressed in your body, which is part of the universe.
(This is why – we teach – what we teach.) But let’s take it a bit deeper, so you get the results you want – every – single time.
“But let me warn you now. A little alteration of mood is not a transformation; it’s not a real change of consciousness. Because as I change my mood for the moment it can quickly and rapidly be I would say, replaced by another mood in the reverse direction.” – Neville Goddard
- Because a change of mood is not a transformation.
- A change in mood comes and goes – like a daydream.
- And a REAL transformation – truly transforms both you and your world.
This is why we use BOTH the lessons in FREEDOM #3 and the Feel It Real Power Pack Methods – so we can do effective sessions and so we identify with the state completely. There is a big difference between a daydream that “Feels Good” and a session where you fully Feel It Real.
So take your time today, dive in deeper..
Use what you are learning here and in the programs to do your sessions. During the day, notice if your reactions have changed to those of your ideal -your wish fulfilled.
And keep learning, keep getting your sessions more and more pure and effective – and notice how you and your world transform.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
The Feel it Real Power Pack – Learn EXACTLY what to do – and what not to do – to make your dreams your reality.
Click Here!
ELIMINATE ANXIETY – So you can manifest miracles – Click Here
Very helpful. Thamk you!
Thank you for the heads up I really appreciate it ! Helped me realize my state and how I changed without even knowing. Everything said in that article is accurate.
I am in love with a woman and I am convinced that she is the one. But she does not feel the same way. Should I “feel it real” that she is my partner? Or should I continue to “feel it real” that I will attract the perfect mate in a generic way?
Hi Keith,
Feel it real that you are the perfect partner now mate.
Don’t make it about “her”, make it about you.
And the right person will respond.
Side note: We get this question heaps. And almost always, there is resistance to doing sessions, they don’t feel real, and there is confusion and stress around it. Here’s why.
Would YOU, want someone you don’t want to be married to – imagining you married to them? (At some level, that just doesn’t feel right, and that’s why that resistance etc shows up.
On the other hand…
Imagining about YOU, being the perfect partner – to whoever – creates feelings and behaviors in you – that invite the right person in.
Hope that blesses everyone. (We’ve had 3 emails on this TODAY to answer.)
Do this, this way – and enjoy the results.
Blessings Keith, we appreciate the opportunity to share with you and the rest of the community.
TT and V
Almost sunrise.
Love this article today – I can feel it in my gut. Thank you! I’ll know I’m coming from the state of that new person because I’ll respond to situations in the way THAT person would respond, not the old person I used to be. Love it. Thanks again 🙂
‘Almost Sunrise”..? GREAT TITLE FOR A BOOK…..
Now that Mother has passed away, the managers of the building where she spent her final three years – were kind enough to send my sister and I a message: “You two were an inspiration”..and everything else seems to have ripened and grown, from that. Our mountains of wash, groceries, and chores were the stuff of local legend. (Yes, Neville’s concepts work even in situations like this one.) Great notes, jotted in my care-journal..to continue my book..and this gift from the building managers, who are pretty tough about laundry access cards.”residents only, no exceptions’..well, I AM the exception. (Hey, another great title). I come from the state of being the attentive, loving, capable daughter, and do what a loving capable daughter does. Even after Mom’s passing, I handle her estate paperwork, monies, etc with ease and gratitude, that we were gifted the opportunity to DO this for our mother. I am now in charge of things, and I am wholly blest to be doing it. I imagined her having a loving passage, crossing over peacefully (as she did)…while we tended her those last days. I came from the state of the wish fulfilled – I AM that person already, acting in that manner. I AM now coming from the state of the next adventure – wish fulfilled as well… Everything else, is easy-breezy!!