“To assume a new concept of yourself is to that extent to change your inner talking or Word of God and is, therefore, putting on the New Man. Our inner talking, though unheard by others, is more productive of future conditions than all the audible promises and threats of men. Your ideal is waiting to be incarnated, but unless you yourself offer it human parentage it is incapable of birth. You must define the person you wish to be and then assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled in faith that that assumption will find expression through you.” – Nevllle Goddard – Mental Diets
What if you only had to change ONE simple thing today – to eliminate doubt and delay once and for all?
Would you make that change?
If you do, you will greatly improve the garden inside your mind.
To change your circumstances in life you need to know what is actually limiting you and blocking your blessing in the first place.
Think of it this way, your intention is a seed, and a seed is limited in its growth by the soil it is placed in. To make it simple – the seeds you are planting, need rich soil to grow in.
Rich soil = rich growth. Poor soil = poor growth.
What are your seeds? Seeds are what you imagine when you do a 30 second or a 15 minute Feel It Real session – where you stop and deliberately take the time to imagine the state of your wish fulfilled. Where you construct a scene, which implies what you have chosen – is now your reality.
“For example, for months before the main event, I used to feel myself shaking hands with the judges, as they handed me my trophy, for taking first place in the karate championships.”
What are you taking the time, to create a session around – that has a single event – that implies your wishes fulfilled?
Let’s move on to the soil of your mind.
Soil is your general mental condition. Your soil, your general mental condition is what feeds the seeds you have planted. The master key to changing your general mental condition – the soil of your mind – is simple Do what it takes, to change the qualities of conversations inside your head.
Because the conversations inside your head will tell you what your general mental state condition really is.
And we have proven that if you use our 7 thought experiments to take charge of those conversations inside your head, you can RAPIDLY retrain your brain – which will transform your world.
Think of your uplifting and lovely inner conversations like life giving compost – compost enriches the life giving properties of your soil – so that your seeds – grow much more strongly and rapidly.
REMEMBER THIS:: Changing my inner conversations healed me of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – which is the condition that can destroy the life of a combat veteran, rape victim,or anyone who experiences extreme trauma. If changing inner conversations can heal a mind of that, they can turn your life around and get you on target, fast.
It doesn’t do you any good to do a Feel It Real Session – if you are later walking around all day having the typical gloom and doom conversations and arguments that MAKE YOU DOUBT inside your head.
That is like planing a good seed in poor soil. Planting a seed in poor soil is foolish. So it makes sense to enrich your soil first, control the conversations inside your mind, let them onlly be loving and lovely. Then plant seeds – and do your sessions.
THE #1 TAKE AWAY: So before you take the time to Feel Your Ideal As Real – commit to eliminating doubt with the habit of CLEANING UP your inner conversations. That will eliminate doubt from your mind and delay in y our life. If you do this often overlooked step daily, you will be amazed at how your world changes.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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PTSD FREE – How to Control Your Imagination INSTANTLY – The 7 Thought Experiments That Will Change Your World – Click here!
Great examples as you know Mr. TT.
Spot on 20/20. I’ve just found that unless i’m in a general good state of being attempting to imagine success is quite hard and in fact becomes a struggle so I have to stop. Whereas when I’m in a general good state, it is easy almost automatic. The key is to have a generally positive outlook and then specific imagination becomes way easier. Appreciation / gratitude, meditation, affirmations and simply being in the present moment (: it is amazing how often we run to past or future problem scenarios in the mind when the present instant is usually pretty darn good 🙂 the like can help in different ways.
This is so powerful!
Rock Solid Sheila!
Cool Change
Do you have some helpful hints on how to clean up our minds Mr 20? 🙂
Big blessings CC!
TT and V and E
Move beyond the mind. Peek at this: http://metamanifesting.com
The problem is – often – the mind.
The solution – is putting it “in context”.
Notice that the mind is in “the middle” in the model we share on that site and explore in that program.
The problem is, the mind thinks it’s “the beginning and the end”.
Time to move beyond all that. Begin there.
TT and V tooo
Yes , yes and again yes.
very clear and spot on, as always. Thank you TT and V and E!