“Tonight, know what you want and go right in and occupy it….
“Don’t ask anyone’s permission; just put yourself into the state you desire to experience by asking yourself this question: “How would I feel if I saw the world from that state?” Do you know you can put yourself into any state?”
“My son actually put himself into the state of war by reading a book about Guadalcanal and falling in love with the pictures of the natives there! He certainly didn’t enjoy his experiences while there, but he asked for it. You see: nothing happens by accident. Everything that happens in the world does so because you and I set them in motion, whether we do it wittingly or unwittingly.” – Neville Goddard
This is what he said to us first… (You could feel the pain he was in….)
“I don’t want MY FAMILY to be poor anymore.”
We were talking with a reader who was REALLY stuck over the weekend. He said he wanted things to be “better”. He said that he didn’t want to be poor, but that he couldn’t FEEL RICH.
“But, I don’t know HOW to feel rich!?!”
He told us he was trying to manifest a million dollars in the bank, and he just couldn’t find the feeling of it….
(Notice what comes next…. THIS is GOLD!)
While doing some fascinating research into OUR EBOOK – States for FREEDOM, our second book in the Neville Goddard Simplified Series, we explored EXACTLY what a state is, and how vital it is to solidly identify what you choose to bring into a state and into your life.
IN FREEDOM, Neville says, “KNOW what you want and go right in and occupy it”.
You have to KNOW what you want.
That’s NOT just NAMING it, it is actually KNOWING IT.
(Do you KNOW Richard Branson?)
- Saying you want a million dollars is for most people only NAMING “a million dollars”.
- It is like saying the name “Richard Branson”.
- Saying his name is not the same as knowing him.
There is a powerful lesson here, when it comes to wealth creation, and creating a state that you can go right in and occupy.
This is ALSO why it is often FAR easier to…
…double your income, compared to manifesting a million dollars.
- It’s hard (actually impossible) for most people to relate to “a million dollars”.
- Often “a million dollars” is a phrase that doesn’t mean much of anything or feel CONCRETE.
- What would the average person REALLY compare it to?
But for most people it’s easy AND VERY POWERFUL to imagine twice as much monthly income…
- Just take what you have now, and double that.
- Notice how easy that is to do, notice how good that feels in your body.
- Notice how your typical trip to the grocery store is different.
- (What’s buying meat or peanut butter like – with your INCOME doubled?
- Notice how you filling up your car at the gas pumps would… FEEL AND BE DIFFERENT.
- And paying that electric bill… easy.
Because THIS “doubling up thing” works….
And it’s FUN! So I gotta ask…
What would you do with all that extra income this month?
By the way, you can feel free to keep doubling your income, AGAIN AND AGAIN, but make sure you can FEEL IT AS REAL.
So I began exploring and experiencing….
“How would I feel, if my incomes (from all sources) was doubled?”
“How would I feel if it doubled again THIS YEAR?”
“How would I feel if twice as many people bought my books?”
“What would it be like if twice as many people read our articles, sent us emails, shared with us where they got stuck – so we could help them more effectively?”
NOTE: Since writing this article, we have grown exponentially and we keep growing.
- Over 2.8 MILLION podcast listens.
- Over 1.5 million youtube views.
- And we’ve had to upgrade the servers for FreeNeville 4 times now.
- Think this stuff works?
We’ve done that here , and the STATE – of having doubled income – has become our reality – MANY MANY times.
Doubling up works, because you can relate to it, you can KNOW it.
“What if your family had twice as much fun? Twice as much peace? What if you had half the inner bs going on and had twice the mental clarity? What would that be like? How would that feel now?”
You can play with this all day, and use this doubling up as a great way to fall asleep in the state of the wish fulfilled.
Because it comes down to just this: You must penetrate and occupy the state of the wish fulfilled. You can’t do that – if you don’t know the state you wish to fulfill. It’s not just about naming a number, it’s being able to know it, relate to it, and embody it.
Have fun!
Dive Deeper! Get The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack Now – Click Here
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Ready to make this your TOTAL way of life?
(Instead of struggling with fixing stuff with it?) – Have you noticed – what we teach – actually works?
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A simple little Special Assignment that takes just a few minutes – and a whole new life! HUNDREDS OF SUCCESS STORIES – Let’s share your story next!
Just wanted to give you a mini update after the update I sent you earlier when I was in crisis mode 😛
I’ve spent the day immersing myself in Neville’s teachings, your podcasts (as well as Feeling Twisty and Two Comma Coffee Club), your blog posts, listened to the MM Day 22 lesson (perfect timing!!), journaled some and used the tools, really got myself feeling it real and feeling it’s done.
And I’ve done such a 180! I dont even recognize myself in the email I sent you earlier lol, I’m feeling extraordinarily better!
Wow. I’ve got this. Feels good!
Just wanted to let you know 🙂
Thank you so much for being such an amazing teacher and phenomenal influence on my life! I’m so hype to keep diving deeper and having even more fun!
Katelyn – Week 3 – Manifesting Mastery!
Thank you, very beautiful post Mr 20 20 🙂
It's actually very difficult. I visualize the state I want to be in, I live in it several times a day, at night before sleep, I can feel it, can imagine how good it is. but the matter is waiting, you never know how long it will take to manifest in real life. Meanwhile some other offers come to you and you have to accept them as you start hesitating about the manifestation of your exact dream.
Waiting, to us it's like Christmas morning. You know it's coming….
Thank you Jorge. Blessings mate.
Thank you! Another "OH YEAH" post…love it!
Right on. I like the way you have made the concept relateable.Many speakers encourage the readers to picture abundance without really defining what abundance is. You have simplified Neville in a manner that anyone from a person make minimum wage to some one worth Billions can identify with and help to make the idea real. Thanks.
Greetings All,
What a wonderful space this is!! Just found it and it looks amazing…
I think it’s important to remember that one should never be in a state of “waiting”, as the Universe will answer that state by matching you to that feeling… Waiting. Even to say you know it’s coming is to keep it “always coming “. Looking forward to something keeps it in the future, realize it’s yours now( which of course it is) and the Universe will shift its manifestation accordingly.
Just my perspective,
Hi Patricia,
Totally agreed. “It is happening” is one of our favorites. Keeps one out of reinforcing the state of “wanting”. “I choose that” is powerful too, to use instead of “I want that”.
Nice to have you on board.
TT and V
Love your coffee club!!!!
Very insightful and eye-opening read!! 🙂
We love being in the Coffee Club!!! Thank you so much for everything that you teach us and taking the time to do this for everyone….you are amazing!!
Thinking of you Merry Xmas love Marg
Merry Christmas to you Marg!
Hi everyONE
So very Glad and Happy to be here ! Happy New Years .and can you please pass the cream over here ? thank you . Great videos!!
Thank you mate.
Will do. 🙂
I question if there is much of a difference between the two outside of belief. Perhaps the main thing is ones perception…on how one defines wealth.
Most of the time, people focus on what they will buy when thinking of having financial freedom or a certain amount of cash, and that alone implies not having it, sending out a feeling of lack. To feel it real, regardless what it is, one must find the alignment of such.
So perhaps the biggest challenge is really diving into ones own beliefs and perception, on how they define wealth. Once one has that understanding they are able to ‘feel’ it and align with it, regardless what it may be, doubling income or millions of dollars, etc.
Thanks 2020…great stuff.
I think the reason your reader couldnt feel it real, is because he never experienced it. If a person struggled throughout life, not knowing what happiness is, or mothers love, or wealth is, how can one imagine what it feels like?! So for your reader i would advice to take slow, as you already said, increasing the income instead of million dollars, but also, there is a deep unfulfillment that he needs to deal with, He needs to find out why he wants the money, change his beliefs before he can attract anything better. His beliefs are keeping him in the state that he is. And also sensed a little depression that is there, he needs to figure out why and read from your wonderful website how to change his state.
Ramina G
Call it to come forth. Can we stipulate our own date for it..Mr. Twenty Twenty?
Thank you Ramina,
That’s exactly why we do what we do mate. From the free articles and lectures, to the paid programs. We know that if you sort out your inside – and follow the methods – your life WILL transform.
Blessings mate,
TT and V
Thanks for posting this article. Double 🙂
Hi Marie,
Let’s peek into the words of Neville for you Marie Louise.
Great question, thank you for asking. Many will be blessed by this.
TT and V
This coffee club is great. You have a great way of explaining things. Thank you.
Mr twenty,twenty I hope all is well.I do know about manifesting,some tgings are easier than others.like ive always loved BMW cars,one day I test drove one and it felt like mine.I then went back to my ford and appreciated it,but never forgot how great my dream car felt.well may of this year I was able to get my BMW with no down payment.uhhh thank you God I was shaking,I couldn’t believe it.I am so grateful.thanks so much keep up the good work.to all out tgere dreams do come true but you know and feel what you want!!!! Best wishes
P.S.is it possible to manifest a particular person in my life??????? Thanks blessings to you
This is ‘the secret’. Profound and very important clarification. Thank you.
I also smile “Yes..I got this!” (A kind of affirmative, good-way attitude-y expression we NY’ers like to show off). Or, another fave I have adopted after hearing you often say.”Isn’t it wonderful?” I find my body actually MOVES differently, behind uttering things like this. Not sure why but wow, it is so empowering!