Hi Mr Twenty Twenty,
“I know what to do with Neville, but for some reason I still don’t find myself doing it daily. Why do I not fully follow through with Nevillizing what I want?” – Jake
Now, some of us are almost afraid to test it because we are comforted if we can believe this without quite putting it to the test; for if we put it to the test and we fail, then we have no faith. We cannot go back to the former comfort that we enjoyed, say, in a more orthodox meeting. We thought we would find it here, and if I don’t test it and prove it to my own satisfaction, then I have neither the old comfort of the orthodox concept nor the comfort that I enjoyed here, for I disproved it. So I invite you to attempt, if you will, to disprove it. You can’t disprove it…
Until you test yourself, until you prove you can do it, you are not a servant, not a servant of the Lord. But as you become a servant of the Lord, he will make you his friend. Then the relationship will be on a higher level. You will commune with your Father as a man does with a friend, face to face. You will not see him as an object in space, but you will actually know how to bring about a wished-for state of mind – bring it about at will. As you can bring about a wished-for state of mind, you have made of the deep – which is your Father – a friend, and you will actually know that companionship between the deep of self and you, the being that is really a wonderful imagination. Then the day will come, having been a wonderful friend of God, the seal will be broken and you will be revealed as the being you really are, which is the Son of God and the Father. Every person in the world is the child of God believing itself to be a man born of man. – Neville Goddard
So, why you still aren’t taking the time to do daily sessions? Because as long as Neville is an untested theory in your life Jake, he remains an option – and you have hope that he might work for you – someday. But you will never have FULL FAITH in what you really are, or fully experience your miracles – until you fully dive in.
You can dive in when you are in full crises, or you can dive in when you are fully ready to choose. We suggest diving in RIGHT NOW, because there is no time like the present – to open up the present – the gift – that only you can be in your world.
Invest in you. Listen to the Neville Goddard Recordings we share here. Apply the lessons, and do what thousands have done – prove it to yourself. It’s not about proving if the method works, it’s about discovering proof that the methods work – because you are – one with God.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
PTSD FREE – How You Can take Total Control Over Your Imagination – My True Story – Click here!