“This morning’s subject is “Feed My Sheep.” This is simply saying: practice the truths you have heard, for it means to shepherd the thoughts of the mind. For most of us, our thoughts are like rambling sheep that have no shepherd. We are called upon now to rule the thoughts, to rule the mind.” – Neville Goddard
Hey mate,
Today, Neville calls on us to take action – daily action – on the truths that you are learning here at FreeNeville.com – So we invite you to the Christmas Challenge.
THE CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE: Take a little notebook that fits inside your pocket, and once an hour just rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 on how well you are being the Good Shepherd of your mind. Give yourself a 1 if you have let your mind be totally out of control – directed by circumstance – gossiping friends and gloom and doom relatives – and the news. On the other hand, give yourself a 10 if you have done an excellent job in the past hour directing your mind, herding your sheep (your thoughts) and being true to the state of the wish fulfilled. A 5 would be somewhere in the middle, obviously.
And take note at the end of the day how well you have done – and trust us – this is a tiny little exercise – that can be a huge challenge – that has TOTALLY ROCK SOLID results.
Feed my sheep. Become ruler of this mind of yours and prove you really love the thing you tell me you have heard. If you have heard it, then you are Simon; and if you have really heard it to the point of acceptance, prove you have accepted it by taking the talent received and expand it. Don’t let the shepherd come and when he asks you for the talent, you say you were afraid and you buried it. Let us not be afraid to actually test the truth of the principles we try to explain here. – Neville Goddard
Did you know that both Feed and Rule come from the same root word in the bible?
So use the Christmas Challenge to notice…
- What are you feeding your mind today? (We listen to Neville during the work day, and in the garden. We also read good stuff like Think and Grow Rich and the Course In Miracles. Good stuff in sets the stage for good stuff out.)
- How well are you ruling your mind today? (Use the Christmas Challenge and rate yourself every hour. You will be amazed at how your life changes – just by monitoring how well you shepherd your thoughts.)
And remember to feel your ideal as real. Thank you for your comments, emails, shares, and likes. As more and more people realize the power of the wonderful human imagination, and how we can never be separated from our source – the world is blessed and lives are transformed.
Many Blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
How To Gain Control Over Your Thoughts – Click Here.
PTSD FREE – How You Can take Total Control Over Your Imagination – My True Story – Click here!
Thank you, I will do this.
I thought sheep were people. But thinking of sheep as our thoughts is so powerful. Doing this. Thanks!
It all shifts when we change how we look at it, doesn't it Mary Ann? Very cool!
Have fun and let us know what you discover Karen!
This rules…thank you Twenty, and Victoria. and I love Wayne Dyer's saying, Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. Because of him I found Neville and you. Herding your thoughts can be a challenge, but the more you focus on it the easier it gets.
merry Christmas conni hope your ok love you.
you too Mike Merry Christmas !
Perfect! Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Hi Twenty and Victoria,
I hope your Christmas was a blessing to you both! I have adopted a new philosophy and I am putting it into action. More and more every day. It is important to feed the physical body every two hours or so. Why not feed my mind the same way. So Now I keep your teachings always with me during the day. So that every two hours or sooner if necessary I can feed my mind with the good stuff!!
The more I exercise it with supporting info the easier it has become to get back into the state that I am choosing. It doesn’t mean that I don’t get knocked out. That happens constantly. But my ability to bounce back in, do a FIR has increased dramatically. Because the awareness that I am out of state has become almost second nature now and the same with getting back into being in the state of the wish fulfilled.
I gave up trying to keep myself from getting knocked out of state. Instead I put my attention on noticing that I am out of state. And exercising the ability to get back into state. That is why I keep several of the lessons with me as I go through my day. I use them to change my state. Just by reading them I can be back to the state that I have chosen.
Instead of fighting against being knocked out of state. I use my energy for what I am for. Which increasing my ability to return to the state that I have chosen.
That has helped a great deal! It has given me the feeling of being in control!!
Hope that helps others! We are all in this thing together!
Be Well,
sure thanks
Rock on Greg!
You nailed it. Even Neville got knocked off his square.
The key is do your sessions, develop the skills, READ and study heaps (Neville did, so do we) and dive in!
This was a great gift to suggest we give ourselves. I am so pleased that I can say I was a 10 for 10 everytime I wrote it down. Getting mo' betta' all the time. part of the mo' betta' is that I certainly was not always "happy" Christmas day….but was always happy to be aware, and then, of course, to let whatever I was feeling BE in the STATE that was ME.
Yes, Mo' Betta!