Today you are going to learn how to Feel It Real faster because…
….you naturally speed up, when you stop trying to MANIFEST THE MIDDLE and GO INSTEAD TO THE END.
Simply feel from the end – the state of the wish fulfilled. So let’s dive in and create more massive change in your life.
The two most common ways people get STUCK IN THE MIDDLE – involve force.
- The first is FORCING WHEN it has to happen.
- The second is FORCING HOW it has to happen.
Now in the next story, notice how in Neville’s world neither of these matters one bit.
Let’s peek at this 24 hour success story shared by Neville himself:
“While sitting in her chair she embraced a large bunch of roses. She smelled them, felt their velvety petals, and saw their beauty in her mind’s eye. Then, breaking the silence she left my meeting and returned to her hotel room at the Waldorf Astoria.
The next day the queen mother, Queen Elizabeth, was given a party at the Waldorf Astoria, with two thousand people in attendance. After the reception the maitre d’, not wanting to discard the flowers there, instructed his men to take three dozen roses up to this lady’s room.”
“And when she came home that evening, all she could smell were those lovely roses. She had embraced and lost herself in the feeling of the possession of beautiful roses. She walked by faith and not by sight, and the next day her room was filled with the heavenly aroma of roses.” – Neville Goddard
Notice she didn’t imagine HOW she was given the roses in her imaginal act.
She just imagined – fully experienced – ALREADY having the roses. And THE QUEEN’S ROSES – were given to her – for some reason.
(Get the gold?)
NOW here’s what MOST people miss:
Her imaginal act had what Neville called “action of self predominant” it was centered her DIRECT EXPERIENCE of already having and enjoying the ROSES.
Notice she didn’t define when or where she would experiences the roses.
She simply imagined SMELLING AND FEELING the roses. Smelling and feeling the roses implies you have them, and having them was was she wanted. Proof that this works, when you TOTALLY ASSUME the state of the wish fulfilled.
Here is another Neville Goddard success story that is rock solid gold.
“Another lady went to Sterns Department Store in New York City, saying to herself: “Neville says I can have anything I want if I will imagine and believe in my imaginal act.” Having no money, this lady walked over to the hat department, took off her hat and tried on a new one.”
“Walking around the area, she admired herself in front of all the mirrors, but when she returned, her hat was gone. When she described it to the sales lady, she learned that her hat had been sold! The section manager was called in, and he told her to take any hat she wanted, compliments of Sterns. She liked the one she had been wearing, so she left the store with her new hat on her head, and she hadn’t paid a dime for it.” – Neville Goddard
Notice how this SUPER SPEEDY SUCCESS STORY happened to happen?
- Her old hat was SOLD by the Sterns Department Store. (Did you see that one coming?)
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…and she could have NEVER imagined that happening – for her to get her new hat.
Remember, your normal rational mind can almost NEVER figure out the hows. Looking back AFTER you have had your next manifestation, odds are you will notice two things.
- The way it happened was the most natural way it could happen.
- The way it happened will sometimes have a very “weird or funny” twist to it.
So let me ask you…
Are you REALLY ready for what we call the Neville Goddard lifestyle?
Because THIS is what we want for you too. This is what happens when you Follow The Formula. This is what makes life THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME.
And we want YOU to join us!
Many blessings to you, and thank you for being part of our lovely Neville Goddard family.
Many blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Follow The Formula – Click Here
THEN Join us today in the 90 Day Adventure of Manifesting Mastery Program – Click Here to speed up your success now!
“38 days ago I had (only) ten cents”
Hello Mr. 2020! I just finished session 38!
Today I paid off $477 of my debt, with over $500 left over for me.
38 days ago I had 10 cents, and 3 modest meals left in my cupboard.
I also have a solid handle on Hiragana, one of the japanese alphabets, Meaning I can read a little bit of japanese. That happened in about two weeks.
Last week I started Calisthenics, 20 push-ups was a good challenge for me. When I finish this email, I’m gonna go crush 200. Once I can do a full Planche Push-Up, I’ll send you a before and after photo 🙂
3 weeks ago my diet consisted of chips, cookies, and pop.. daily. Now I might have a small amount once or twice a week.
I’ve owned a guitar for just about 3 years. Yesterday I played my first full song from beginning to end.
Another funny “win” that I had. I was doing a feel it real session where my girlfriend had taken a pregnancy test, and it was positive. (I don’t have a girlfriend.. yet) I did it over, and over again, and felt very excited. Anyway, the next day I go into work, before I even get to my till a customer starts talking to me about how he’s on cloud 9 because he has a new baby boy.
I’ve had countless “synchronicities” like that.
Back in my neurotic new age days, I probably would’ve taken it as a sign from the universe, and attached a ton of meaning, ultimately stressing myself out. These days I count them as small wins, nothing more.
I’d like to ask, what is your take on “synchronicities”?
Anyway that’s it for this week’s update, thank you so much for unraveling Neville.
Have a wonderful day!
Jakob in Manifesting Mastery
How true is this. Another great read TT and Victoria. For a while now my husband and I were discussing a holiday house and a boat but not at the same time. Life got busy and we let it go, then you guessed it, the planted seed has come to fruition. We now own a cabin at beautify Echuca (Victoria, Australia) with a 22ft speed boat. This was practically given to us, no one can believe what we paid for it. We had never contemplated this part of country but now we couldn't be happier. Such a beautiful and serene place to go just to escape for a while. Another example in my life of planting the seed and letting it go and never asking how………….Love you guys, the amount of knowledge you pass our way is so valuable. Thank you
So many more “good” fortunes seem to be appearing in my life since I’ve been gleaning the content of your website. Something else too I’ve noticed.
I’ve noticed so much more often lately that when things aren’t the way I’d prefer they to be I tell myself: “ok, now you know you thought and felt and imagined this to be”.
And I accept it. So it changes into another “good” fortune.
Thanks mate.
You’re the real deal.
Jerry, Prescott Arizona USA
I just love these two stories. I had not come across them in my own readings, and find them to be really delightful – funny, light spirited even. I will remember this in my own adventures, in that I am a great manifestor – you have a few of my recent stories… but I find I am still…. trying at it. Doing at it. Working at it. Expecting at it with some sort of hidden, slight effort.
I will smile more surely and just KNOW.
Maybe it is the evolution of the “doing” of it, in other words, of it happening— and the true, real, deeper acceptance of it being what I deserve, what I can easily call – and not miraculous at all.
Hmmm- will think on that idea of evolution.
Thanks for all you do!
What fun! Thanks 20. I remember you saying some time that if you imagine it in a light-hearted spirit, it will manifest in a light-hearted way. Food for thought indeed.
His ways (the He is your imagination) are past finding out.
Loved this article and the examples…
Wonderful reminder …. Thank you guys…
Paula ^^^ YES indeed… HIS ways are past finding out…
So, why not just let them be!? 🙂
Delighted to read these two stories again! And thank you for explaining “the action of self predominant” so clearly. I was always a bit fuzzy on that.
I loved Neville’s hat example! I didn’t see that one coming at all!
LOVE THE REMINDER TO SELF…through your article today! Here it is again.
Love it and happy to feel it real today.
HI Mr 20/20 an V. When neville was in a state akin to sleep was he hitting the Alpha, Theta or delta levels to achieve his feel it real seasons? Thank you so much Z.F 🙂