Speedy Manifesting – It all begins with a desire – a want. And it ends with an ASSUMPTION – that it is – felt and experienced – as true. All you need to do – is play by the rules.
“Now, another rule is said in this manner: “Cast your bread upon the water and you will find it after many days.” In other words, do not be concerned as to how it is going to happen – just do it.” – Neville Goddard
Notice Neville begins this lesson today with eliminating CONCERN. Just DIVE IN!
“The word, bread in the statement: ‘Cast your bread upon the waters,’ means to devour; to consume. Water is a euphemism for semen, that living water which carries the sperm of man. The creative act is psychological, not physical; yet the intentions are the same.”
“You must cast your bread upon the waters with passion! You must be consumed with the desire and literally on fire with love for its possession, for an intense imaginal act will always draw unto itself its own affinity.” – Neville Goddard
Be consumed – by – what you have chosen. Don’t hold back.
When I would walk my Granddaughter years ago down by the stream, she would cast bread upon the waters for the ducks. She was so excited, so energized. She had so much fun that before you knew it, all the bread was gone. She had a wonderful time, an amazing experience, a memory that she could feel as real anytime.
That is EXACTLY how Neville teaches us to feel in this stage of Feeling It Real. Be passionate. Be excited.
And then FULLY FEEL it is a done deal.
(It would have been VERY different if she had held back on the bread out of fear, or tried to figure out how to get each piece of bread to any specific duck. It would have been a maddening – frustrating experienceThat’s how many people try Feeling It Real. If that’s you, stop it and do what Neville says, allow yourself to be CONSUMED and ENJOY the process.)
“Now, in order to play the game of life, you must know what you want to replace what you have. When you know what it is, you must assume the feeling that you have it. Although your reason and senses will deny its existence, persistence will cause your assumption to harden into fact and objectify itself upon your screen of space.” – Neville Goddard
Notice how Neville says, you must know what you want – and you must ASSUME THE FEELING that you have it – already. You have to go beyond reason and get behind the senses, and FEEL IT REAL now. Do that and what you have WANTED will OBJECTIFY.
THE SOLID GOLD NUGGET MOST PEOPLE MISS IS: Notice if you caught this one, be honest. Your quality of life depends on this. Notice that Neville says, what you want will OBJECTIFY itself.
Notice what he didn’t say. He didn’t say it WILL BECOME REAL, someday. He didn’t say that it will become real, because IT IS REAL – once you Follow-The-Formula.
Consciousness is the only reality. Inside of consciousness there is the imaginal world – which leads – – and the physical world — which follows. Neville calls the physical world the shadow world, because it follows the imaginal world like how your shadow moves when YOU do.
Get this right, and EVERYTHING changes. Miss this, and you miss out on just about EVERYTHING.
It’s the tiny seeming Solid Gold Nuggets that most people miss – that matter most. And that’s why we are here. Thank you for being here, diving in and doing what it takes.
You are SO worth it!!!
Big time blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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Awesome lesson today TT! The “gold nugget” was right on…and nope, I missed it. Thanks for catching it!
I know, over time here you must be repeating lessons, I mean Neville only taught so much info…but honestly when I read your lessons on Neville, each one seems new. Maybe its because you’re shedding new light on it or perhaps something new in me clicks at that time. I don’t know, it was something I thought of as I was reading the lesson…random thought! Lol! Thanks again.
Dear TT & V
No matter how many feel it real sessions I have done and they have objectified for many things, there is always more to it when I keep reading Neville and keep devouring the daily posts.
Although having done it before , there are always new desires which are growing bigger and the more I read repetatively , the more it helps. Your posts keep the momentum going.
Thanks a Ton.
God Bless
A really good reminder about how this work (and that it actually work) once you truly get what it’s all about.. The FEELING!! Have a wonderful day TT & V:)
Love the gold nugget!
Everything is real here and now. As real as we are, ‘flesh and bones’! Its a matter of “wearing” the suit of the person who has it so we can see it!
I love remembering that our eyes don’t see the whole range of frequencies.. like UV or IR.. we can’t see them but they are real! So how can we be sure that everything else is not real here and now.. I’ve seen instant manifestations! I’ve seen things changing in a moment.. and yes this is GOLD! Thank you for the amazing post!
What a perfect nugget indeed. It seems so subtle, and yet I know now too, that it is everything. Great Lesson Twenty!
Thank you and big love Lisa!
Thank you for this! Especially the “objectify” lesson. It’s one of those things we know, but we forget, and it does make all the difference in the world when it comes to feeling it real. Even thinking about that phrase a little differently, “feel it real”. Before I was reading it and thinking of my sessions as feeling it until it becomes real, but now its like, “feel that it is already real” until it objectifies. it’s like with the rain dance, the Native Americans don’t dance to make it rain, they dance because they know the rain is already real. Thanks again, guys, and Happy Holidays to everyone!