“Thank you for putting the Feel It Real package together. I have read the manual already, but I don’t understand seeing something through my eyes. I thought my vision was my imagination. Where do i see it if I see it from my own eyes. Thank you.” Sandra
Hi Sandra,
Great questions. Let’s bring them together for you, so you get the results that you want. There are two ways to use your eyes while imagining.
The first way of using your eyes while imagining, is Creative Visualizing.
It is one way we helped gymnasts, divers or other competitive athletes for 30 years to improve their skills – because we have them see their body – like watching a movie of their body, and we have them make adjustments as necessary, and see their body doing their perfect skills in their mind until they feel natural.
POWER POINT: THIS IS NOT how to use your EYES, when you FEEL IT REAL.
The picture of me teaching karate that you see is a great example of how I would use creative visualizing to improve someone teaching. Seeing how me (my body) squatting down with the kids makes it easier for them to relate to me – and the movement – helped me improve my teaching skill.
This is like watching a movie made up about me, and gives me learning experiences inside the mind.
- This (being in the position of the OBSERVER) is NOT feeling it real, but as you can see, it can be useful and powerful.
Feeling It Real has you doing something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
FEELING IT REAL has you directly experience and feel EXACTLY as you would as if it were happening right now.
If I was teaching karate, the only thing I would see is my student’s, I wouldn’t see my body like before. Notice what Neville says right here….
“The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure.”
“The difference will be appreciated if you will now visualize yourself (your body) climbing a ladder. Then, with eyelids closed imagine that a ladder is right in front of you and FEEL yourself actually climbing it.” – Neville Goddard – Feel It Real
When I was feeling it real to be an excellent karate instructor (long before I got my first black belt), I wouldn’t see my body at all, what I would see (through my own imaginal eyes) was the people I was teaching, shaking my hand (seeing my hand only, not my body) and congratulating me at the end of another great class.
- Since I was seeing what I would see…
- This scene felt REAL, as if it has already happened…
- And of course was full of love, for the people and for the art that I taught.
Today’s Take Away: Pretty much everyone
…misses this bit – or some of the other essentials we teach in the Feel It Real Power Pack.
That’s why – they either get hit and miss results – or simply struggle with this – taking forever.
If you want to AMP UP your SUCCESS with FEELING IT REAL, remember – move from the distant observer (watching a movie about you) to being fully involved AS IF you are actually doing, what implies your wish is fulfilled. And invest in the Feel It Real Power Pack today.
Blessings and big love,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
– Get The Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here!
PS: You’ll notice another part of Following The Formula in the article above if you read carefully.
Notice the Visualization (not feeling it real) was DURING the action. Me actually teaching, and improving my teaching skill.
On the other hand, when Feeling It Real, the scene was the END OF THE CLASS, implying that I am a great karate instructor – already.
This is a Power Point that many people miss because they haven’t taken apart Neville’s Method’s like we have here, and gotten to the details that matter most.
Many blessings on you, enjoy all the recordings you also have in the Feel It Real PowerPack.
They will give you TONS of POWER POINTS like these to apply wonderfully to your life so you change your world. Many blessings.
It’s time for you to get off the side streets, and go full steam ahead. Get the Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here
TT and V,
I’ve been learning so much from your application of Nevilles teachings and I’ve loved every minute of it.
I so look forward to everyday at 1:30pm when my Manifesting Mastery lesson comes in.
I’ve recently rekindled my daily yoga practice and have been revising every chance I get. So much has changed. All my relationships have improved, my relationship with myself is incredible. I’m seeing wonderful things happen in the lives of the people I love and I’m telling everyone I know of you and Neville.
Side note: I’m also from Pennsylvania (Mechanicsburg) and my Dad grew up in Clairton outside of Pittsburgh. I love hearing your stories of the area because I can relate so much. Living in Atlanta, GA now though!
Thank you again for bringing your brilliance to the masses. I appreciate everything!
All the best,
Krissi – Day 14 – Manifesting Mastery
— Join us in Manifesting Mastery — Click Here Now
Join Us in Manifesting Mastery Today! – Click here! – You get a special Member’s Only lesson every day – with a cool little recording and a short read…. A simple little Special Assignment that takes just a few minutes – and a whole new life! HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS OF PROVEN SUCCESS STORIES – Let’s share your story next!
This was a great response. I have been wondering the same thing about separating the heart and the mind. This hits the nail!
dear TT and V,
I have been reading your posts everyday, and I believe I have gained much from you, and I thank you so much for all this.
I have become a fan and ardent lover of Neville, and even my son, Master Ajeya, who is just a five+year kid, knows the so lovely name of Neville.
In fact, nowadays I read only Neville, and none else,period.
Thank you for providing so much and so best of Neville.
I feel more and more with my imagination. I cried when Neville Goddard wrote his understanding about a passage in the Bible in his book Your Faith Is Your Fortune.
“Every place that the sole of your foot shall
tread upon, that have I given unto you”.-Joshua
1: 3.
Neville wrote pg 156/157: If we would follow the example of Joshua our victory would be similarly simple. Joshua symbolizes to
you, the reader, your present state; The city of Jericho
symbolizes your desire, or defined objective. . The
walls of Jericho symbolize the obstacles between you
and the realization of your objectives. The foot symbolizes
the understanding; placing the sole of the
foot upon a definite place indicates fixing a definite
psychological state. Rahab, the spy, is your ability
to travel secretly or psychologically to any place in
space. Consciousness knows no frontier, No one can
stop you from dwelling psychologically at any point,
or in any state in time or-space.
🙂 Thank you Neville Goddard and TT and Others
Sam, Oh I just re-reead this myself this week. Suddenly it pops up again and again…for clarity and deepening. Thanks for that.
Thanks to TT and V and the entire community.
Hi Twenty – I love the way that you distinguished the visualizing with our eyes, and the feeling it real in the heart. My take is, that both processes work together in one session of bringing something to pass. As you say, we see ourself and perfect ourselves as who we are. This is to get a very clear picture. Then move to feeling as that one who is being thanked, or given the black belt or whatever is the result – amazing.
Yep, this is right on point. I notice sometimes that I switch between the views back & forth; kinda odd. Thanks for the pointers.
I do something called the ‘step in’..and Twen discussed this awhile back, so I clearly remember reading it. When I settle in for my Feel It Reals, I actually imagine myself, ‘walking into the scene’..and then, looking OUT through my own eyes, as I then become part of the experience. I have imaginary conversations in this wish fulfilled world, working with the people will are helping me in my new environment/situation. And then someone congratulates me on having achieved it, then asks how I managed the whole thing so successfully and positively energized! Works every time…