“I keep trying to be a better and better person, and get closer and closer to God. But I still don’t understand, why doesn’t this always work for me? Why can’t I manifest the BIG things? I am thinking of joining your coaching program and need help.” J. G. New York
Hey mate,
One of the things that we just LOVE about Neville, is how he shares his life story, to help us learn the little things that matter.
When Neville was younger…
…he was on a quest to purify himself – to become GUILT free – and to get CLOSER to God – just like many of us who show up here.
Neville didn’t drink, and was a vegetarian at one point, and he avoided sex for YEARS – thinking THAT denying his desires – would bring him closer to God – until one day his teacher Abdullah helped him get over a massive stumbling block.
Let’s see what Neville shares with us about Abdulah.
And of course he would sit down and he would have 2 or 3 big shots of rye. I mean big shots of rye. And then he would wash down his meal with a lot of Porta or if it wasn’t beer it was a ale.”
“And then he would at the end, like Churchill, a huge big bowel of ice cream. I said, “Ab how can you do that?”, “Oh,” he said, “You couldn’t do it, it would poison you because you have quibbles.” – Neville Goddard
This experience with Abdullah…
…set the stage for many turning points in Neville’s life, and taught him how to Feel It Real so much more effectively. One of them being that you didn’t have to “avoid alcohol” or “eat pure” for this to work, or to “get closer to God”.
“So he said you have quibbles Neville, with any of your quibbles it will poison you. But he would sit down and polish off this enormous meal and wash it down with ale, precede it with 3 shots of rye, and here was a man truly of the spirit.” – Neville Goddard
You too are “a man of the spirit”.
And you discover that at a whole new level – when you stop denying your desires.
“God speaks to man only through the medium of his basic desires.” – Neville Goddard
FIRST – Stop denying your desires!
The more you study Neville, the more you will get – you didn’t come here to DENY your desires, you came here to assume them – to give them life.
GET THIS, and your manifesting will take off like lightning!
If you have ANY guilt about your desires, you can’t give them life. And to give your desires life – all you have to do is FOLLOW THE FORMULA.
Use the time tested and proven Feel It Real Methods.
And get the garbage out of the way by joining us in Manifesting Mastery.
And buckle up, it’s gonna be an amazing adventure of a lifetime.
Many blessings and happy manifesting,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
— Join us in Manifesting Mastery — Click Here Now
PS: Guilt often keeps creating circumstances like this…
…and GUILT seems to block MANY people from manifesting THE BIG THINGS. You might want to watch this video real quick too: It’s a goodie!
First Native the four corners above n below Mother Earth grandmother moon and father sun. The elements of Earth, Air, Fire,Water. From the un spoken to the words of the spanards turning there guilt unto us with catholic schools and boundaries. Many of us changed for good. I recon guilt was comfortably uncomfortable. Something I wish to be rid of one day.. Thank you for this today,,, n ur messages everyday. I hope to meet u both :
Absolutely fantastic observation, teaching, sharing – clear and simple. Thank you again and again 2020.
Love this line “You can’t get any closer, all you can do is notice the truth – and the truth shall set you free”
Thanks Mr. 2020 and Victoria for all this knowledge and this (love) energy that you are sharing with all of us. God bless and good luck!
Excellent excellent excellent: we cannot attempt to be closer to God as we are right here re-minding ourselves we are that.
Ah, be still and know.
Good stuff. Neville always had amazing insights and advice. thanks TT
We agree mate.
Blessings Cal!
Thanks LM!
We can’t get any closer to what we are one with.
It’s like your body getting closer to your belly button.
TT and V
good one
hi , thats me. i am tryn to know more about Neville teaching
Hi TT & v . Thank u 4 continued posting.
What is the title of the lecture by Naville in which you got this script. Thank you
That IS it…we ARE THAT…there is no bettering. Always a great re-mind. Thank you for all you are to me, to us. Twenty.
Thanks twenty needed to here this. Staying in the moment of who we are.
Thank you so much!!…Love this
Okay, 20 20, so what is with all the rants about being anti fruits and grains ???
Have a quibbleless croissant! 🙂
Hi Katherine,
My car runs well on petrol, but not all that well with sugar water.
My body and brain run well on good fats, complex carbs, and goodie vegetables. It’ tends to run like crap, when I feed it what we call “fruits and grains” which are for the most part not natural and not natural foods for the human body.
I don’t claim that eating well brings me closer to God, but it sure makes living life, being healthy, staying focused and being creative MUCH easier.
Try it for 90 days, without eating modern day fruit and grain, and let me know what you notice.
Thank you, TT RIGHT ON! As long as we are searching, we have not moved into our creator within thus are still looking outside ourselves instead of BEING it. Love and Blessings, TT & V
Everytime this comes up in my mail I again want to comment. We can’t get closer, we are it. Ahhh. Thanks Twenty!
But can’t your body run well on whatever you believe it can run well on ? Isn’t that the point of not having quibbles ?
Abdullah was running well having loads of drinks at night because he didn’t have any quibbles. 🙂
I have done all the diets and for long periods, and I have found my body runs the best when I eat reasonable well without quibbles, and I am really loving it and have a positive attitude about what I am eating.
Your body runs better without sugar water because you got it in your head that is the case. Some people run their bodies well only on sunlight, because they believe they do.
Hi Katherine,
Short answer, no.
I personally know people who have tried all those experiments. The sugar eaters who swear that tons of sugar is okay tend to have a very specific set of long term problems. So do people who do heroin and who smoke crack.
Why not give your body what it needs?
I’ll go back to the car example. If you honestly believe that something physical can run on what ever you imagine it will run on, then make your car run on orange juice, or milk.
The body runs well, when it’s fed what it needs. Same with your car.
On the other hand…. I enjoy a good cigar, good scotch, and good wine. Some people stop following us, because they assert if I were spiritual I wouldn’t be enjoying those things.
And I notice – if I skip them for a few days – I am a “bit faster”. But enjoying them, isn’t making me less spiritual, or less effective manifesting.
That’s where we explore and play.
Haha, the quibbles. So true.
People with food allergies are always quibbley people from quibbley families (no judgment). It’s anxiety which causes the gut to reject food like that.
“What you are seeking, is seeking you..” true, that..I AM, seeking the I AM. It’s a great wonderful circle of what a friend referred to once as “manifest-tating!!”