Hey mate,
Back when I was a skinny and sickly teenager…
…just getting started in the martial arts and taking charge of my health – I would walk past a the windows in the downtown shops and see my reflection in them as I walked by.
And the reflection I saw wasn’t “the old me” that I had been all my life (and physically still looked like).
The reflection LOOKING BACK at me…
….was confident, fit, healthy, it was someone cool and fun to be with. It was the reflection of a Martial Arts Master! Here’s why I did that and how it worked….
“Look at yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness reflected back to you. Then say within yourself: “I remember when my reflection was so different.”
“Persist in seeing your new image reflected there and you will resurrect that state. Your image, your concept of yourself or of another, is in your own wonderful human imagination who is Christ and Christ is the only God. God the Father and Christ your creative power are the same being, therefore he has never left you!” – Neville Goddard
Notice what Neville said to do FIRST….
- “Dare to see RADIANT HEALTH AND HAPPINESS reflected back….”
Notice what he said to CONTINUE doing…
- “Persist in seeing your new image there…
I know now, that the physical workouts mattered, they were great fun – because that is what a Martial Arts Master does. Working with my mentors and my instructors mattered too – and they too were great fun to get to know – and their hard earned knowledge saved me years of struggle – and taught me how to do things right so I didn’t hurt my body.
But what mattered most – and what CAUSED ALL THAT – was seeing the man I had chosen to be – in the reflection of the shop front glass – as I walked to the YMCA – where I got to discover exactly how my wish would be fulfilled.
Today’s Take Away:
Notice – when you look into the mirror – when you see your reflection anywhere – WHO are you seeing?
Are you seeing the body you have been – are you seeing your old limits and frustrations?
Or are you choosing to see who you have chosen to be?
It all begins – within!
Dive Deeper and Deeper – so you can SOAR HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Big blessings to you,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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The Feel It Real Power Pack – Get Amazing Results by doing only what really works.
THIS is what a wish I knew back then…. Because my transformation from sickly to SUPER STRONG would have happened much faster!
Manifesting Healing and Health – Click Here
Mr 2020, can you explain the differences between the “Law” and the “Promise” as he referred on his book?
Hi 20 20 & Victoria,
What a brilliant idea, will be putting that into my daily practice for sure. Thanks a heap and keep up the good work Neil
A good one for sure,THank you for sharing it is great inspiration….thank u for keeping it real
Mr.20-20 and Victoria
Thank you, and YOU are the BEST mirrors of LOVE; And you bring your AUTHORITY into MY Feeling It Real sessions of the Presence I want to be ( “I AM ALREADY”).I have learned I AM The AUTHORITY and I COMMAND SUBSTANCE to be as I Feel It Real as I AM already. I Feel Absolutely certain my self worth is ordained from THE SOURCE.
I thank you for assembling a place where Great Souls Can meet and share this wonderful life and GENEROUS SPIRIT. May You always be blessed with the SOURCE’S GENEROUSITY THE BEST Murray
I think they are more-less the same, if I am not mistaken.
Great Tool thank you!!
thank you
Fantastic reminder! Thanx.
Yes, indeed a great reminder. I can read these over and over – not because I need them so much now… "need" – but truly and honestly, because the re-mind me of what I know. THANK YOU!
Thanks a lot. Marvelous.
They are different. I see it as the difference between winning the lotto and becoming enlightened! VERY different things…I took this from the internet, but it explains it…
“In the year 1959, he began to experience what he called “The Promise.” He later wrote, “I did not know of The Promise until I began to experience it and have it unfold within me beginning that summer and continuing during the next three-and-one-half years. And this is Scriptural; read it in the Book of Daniel where it is referred to as ‘a time, times, and a half.’ It comes to 1260 days in your experience of it.”
In the latter part of the 1960s and early 1970s Neville gave more emphasis to The Promise than to The Law. One could use imaginal power to change one’s circumstances, he said, but it would be temporary, “…and will vanish like smoke.” He went on to explain that The Promise superseded The Law, claiming “Oh, you can use it [The Law] to make a fortune, to become known in the world, all these things are done, but, your true purpose here is to fulfil Scripture.” After subordinating The Law to The Promise, he became as eager to hear accounts by those who had experienced The Promise, and sharing such accounts, as he had earlier of those with The Law
Neville’s theological view of The Promise includes both the cosmology of union with the Godhead after death, and future restoration for those who do not accept The Promise during their lives. Of The Promise, he said “You do not earn it; it is a gift, it is all grace. God’s promise is unconditional; God’s law is conditional.”[17] and comes in its own good time. If you do not experience it in this life, he said, “You pass through a door, that’s all that death is, and — you are restored to life instantly in a world like this, just this world” [and] you go on there with the same problems you had here with no loss of identity – not old, not blind, not crippled, if you depart this life that way, but young.” In this restorationist afterlife, he said of people there, “They grow, and they marry, and they die there, too, with all the fear of death that we have here. And if they die there without experiencing The Promise, they are restored to life again and again in a place best suited to the work yet to be done in them. And it continues until ‘Christ be formed in You’ and as ‘Sons of The Resurrection’ you leave this world of death never to enter it again.”
Great share Gail.
We missed this one.
The Law is about Manifesting. “What you Feel becomes Real”.
The Promise is about awakening to oneness.
The Law gives us options – stuff to have, be and do – while we wake up.
Waking up is something we all get to do – by grace – guaranteed.
TT and V
I had no plans I just spontaneously decided to do it because I was listening more to my impulses and intuit (in to it) and my spontaneous creative Self.
Everyday and every moment I saw myself in a reflection. I would say those things Neville talks about. I would have something positive to say and what reflected back to me was thrilling to see and it was like a bouncing ball true knowing. Each time it was passed I would milk it. I did not know that is what I was doing, but I just went with it. It felt good. Really good!!!
I ended up losing 20+ pounds in merely one and a half months!
Then … life happened and I am remembering when ‘life happened’ I would get distracted from who I really am and the weight came back.
It was a VERY moving experience for me and showed me how much weight I carry all from Internal Dialogue.
@ Yelitza
You directed the question to TT but if you do not mind my comment, being to you and anyone else interested in this question and are reading further,
Here is my two cents for whatever they could be worth:
We utilize the Laws to get what was and eternally Is, promised.
If you hold true to your desire – which is holding steadfast to the Law – being faithful to your True and Faithful Self, then what you get in return, Is the promise of your desire.
To me it is the same thing as
Everything coming at you, is coming from within you.
What is coming at you is the reflection of your thoughts. Which is the mirror.
Which is the promise.
“I never fail, I am just getting feedback.”
And by the way, thanks for the reminder! Both article and question 🙂
Another great one, Twenty and Victoria.
Thank you!