Today’s Neville Goddard lesson, will help you eliminate a common hidden belief that many people have, one that blocks your blessings.
Just notice if on any level you feel…
…that God gives you only what you deserve.
If you fall into this trap, YOU are creating God in the image of “judge”, and limiting your future success on past mistakes and behaviors (instead of having it based on what you are CURRENTLY imagining.)
Let’s dive in:
“Most people pray to God to change something in their lives or to give them something they do not have. If their prayers were not answered, they think that God had a reason for withholding that particular thing.”
“They think that perhaps God didn’t grant their request because He didn’t want them to attain their desire for some reason known only to God. Man sometimes thinks that God doesn’t answer prayers because man is undeserving of that which he seeks.” – Neville Goddard
Let’s dive DEEPER….
It isn’t about deserving or not deserving – it’s about something far more powerful – where you shine your flashlight – where you put your attention.
“Man must learn to believe in that which he does not, at the moment, see in order to grant himself that which he desires to have. Man’s payers are always answered, for he always receives that which he believes. The law that governs prayer is impersonal.”
“Belief is the condition necessary to realize the desire. No amount of pleas or ritual will bring about the fulfillment of your desires other than the belief that you are or have that which you want.” – Neville Goddard
Let’s put it all together now…
You must believe you already have or that you already are that which you choose.
But the Feel It Real methods won’t work reliably, maybe not at all – until you get rid of the guilt – until you accept that YOU decide what shows up in your life. Until you remember you are created in the image of the the one God – your wonderful human imagination.
May you be blessed today.
And while you are here, read another article or two – invest in you – because you are worth it.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Get what you want – Get rid of the guilt
TT, I just love you and what you are doding with Neville. I first read Neville in 1986 and read, Your Faith Is Your Fortune, which changed my life. I am re-reading it now and I am still amazed at this man who is truly a teacher and mentor. Keep it up TT! I am so grateful for you, your wife and Neville. I tell everybody to is open and receptive to this kind of knowledge about you. I am so blessed and so grateful that I know that!!! I and God are one. There is only one mind and that is the mind of God. It is the mind that I am!
Thanks for highlighting this core principle. It’s coming through to me the more and more as I read more and more of Neville’s lectures, which I started to do with the Properity Pack.
PS I adore Emmett, and he is one lucky pup to find himself in your and V’s care.
Yes I love this. My new television show Wake Up! is a living example of this Twenty. I will be so happy to have an interview, or something with you – so we can share this story that you have watched from the inside with me. Knowing it to be already done way before the evidence appeared. Original thought from ground zero: December. Filming with all the moving parts: March. 90 days of massive feeling it real in detail.
Feel it real is the real deal
It sure is Jack!
Nice having you here mate!
I love Neville’s teaching. He is a respected teacher in Unity.( your website says he had no religious affiliation but other websites disagree with your statement.)
How can you say he answers every request that you believe with a YES when you have James 4:3-4 telling you that he does not.
God denies prayer requests of those who:
1. Ask amiss. James 4:3-4 New International Version (NIV)
When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
I agree One need’s to pray from a motive of Faith (belief) and not from Fear. But THERE IS MORE to the PRAYER FORMULA THAN BELIEF. Whenever we want a desire, we are taught to ask not from ego. God says YES to every RIGHTEOUS desire or No, I have something better for my child.
What if I prayed to God to give me my neighbor’s husband? He is very good looking with a fantastic job. I sincerely believe he should be with me. So I am going to pray that his wife disappears so I can have him. This violates what God says in the 10 commandments. Certain conditions must be met before God says yes. Your heart must be RIGHT before He says yes.
God does not promise to answer YES to a prayer request to someone whose intentions or motives are evil. It doesn’t matter how much that person BELIEVES.
Hi Valvacious,
Thanks for letting us know that other websites disgaree with us and that Neville was a respected teacher in Unity. Seems like he would disagree on that based on listening to a few hundred hours of his lectures, but what the heck, let’s believe those who want to say he was in Unity.
You love it, so he must have too. By the way, we love Unity people two, and I’ve even taught in a few unity centers. But, like Neville, I”m not “Unity”. Nothing wrong with that approach, if that’s what you want, then do it.
Obviously, I’m being a bit snarky, because that’s probably what it’s going to take to get my point across.
On to the other stuff, if you are imagining being with your neighbor’s husband who is good looking, then you already are with him – in consciousness. If the wife dies or what ever, well – that’s your problem and your opportunity.
Of course, I get you are tossing out yet more (endless) hypothetical stuff to me, probably because you feel you are right, and want to teach us how you are right.
I’ve been mostly VERY VERY NICE in my earlier comments to you, encouraging you to study NEVILLE, because almost every comment you make – indicates you are almost clueless as to Neville, his methods, and what we teach here.
Today, I’m trying a different approach. It’s called the STUDY NEVILLE approach, before leaving huge comments telling us we are wrong. Because I’m not going to approve them.
We can tell you this, if you do choose to take the time and study Neville, instead of trying to find stuff to correct us on – you’ll get the results we do. And if you don’t, you’ll probably leave here, and go find someone else to argue with.
TT and V tooo
Hey TT an V! Always love reading your newsletters. I have a lot of you programs. The big ones :-). I was wondering though. I want to also make money online bedsides my normal job. Maybe even quit my day job. My question is if it were you what kind of mental visual would you do if the act or my dream were fulfilled. Thank you for everything 🙂 Z
I quote from the “urban dictionary”: valvacious = someone who uses people to make herself feel wanted and sexy. she always tries to put people down to make herself shoot up. she probably wants to be famous, but shes in over her head. im sure shes talking about you RIGHT NOW. beware of valvacious, beware kids, BEWARE!
Enough said …. and thank you for the amazing love you guys, TT and V, keep giving…I am always following with much pleasure and interest, just having a mustard seed moment at present, hence mostly quietly within….
Amen Zarah.
Hi Zach!
I’d imagine my ideal day – just to begin.
Discover who you get to be – in your ideal day.
Then discover who you get to be – in the part of your day when you “work”.
Then you’ll find the scenes that work for you.
TWenty, as always, I love the clarity with which you state yourself. A new direction and tone is indeed sometimes necessary. I could not agree more -that to work the process of neville’s…instead of the energy required to argue in theory – would be life changing to Valvacious but also, would be much more helpful here with this mostly thoughtful group.
I deeply appreciate the response you offered.
When I was very young, I used to have dreams about flying. I would be flying, joyfully overhead, and people below me would be waving their fists, yelling, “Come down!! You better stop!! Don’t you know you’re not supposed to fly..?” As time went on,thd dream evolved. And by then I was still flying, only now…calling down to people looking up at me, “Hey..YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!” They were waving at me, no longer angry. Lately whenever I have this dream, I am never flying alone, but with other companions, all of us, like some cool squadron!! In my community work, I ‘teach other that they can fly, too..”
@Vivacious, it has taken me time to study Neville, it is not a one time study at some point you may feel like he is contradicting himself but in the end he is clear, Christ says resist no evil, why would he say as such, i can go on and on and quote much more, but Neville instructs ” go to the end” do not get involved with the processes, so your “friend” who may want a neighbors’ husband is in the “middle” not in the “end” the end could be she wants to get married to a handsome man who has a lot of money. She should think of how it will feel to be married to such a man..what would she do were she married, maybe take exotic holidays, shop in expensive malls
when you get involved in the processes of a middleman you may end up hurting people but if you remain in the end you won’t harm anyone..
Christ asks what do you want of me..some wanted to see, some wanted to walk, some wanted to get healed…the deaf wanted to hear and he heard, know what you want and go to the end of how would it be to have that you desire …blessings