Hey mate,
Yesterday we were asked…
“Can Feel It Real Cure Cancer?”
Instead of giving a generic reply, we searched the archives and found this Neville Goddard quote and how to Feel it Real for Cancer lesson.
“About ten days ago my wife told me of a little girl only fourteen months old who had developed lumps on her neck [in] which – when the doctor removed and tested a lump – there were signs of cancer.”
“Three specialists had been brought in and each separately had declared the child had cancer. Only one doctor, looking at the results questioned the verdict, but they were keeping the child in the hospital for further examination.”
“As I listened to her story I cued my wife’s voice out to the point that I couldn’t even hear what she was saying, but hearing her voice, I reconstructed the story and heard its revision in my minds eye.”
“That night as I fell asleep I listened again and heard my wife tell me the revised story. A few days later the doctors made another test from another lump and the vote was unanimous, the child did not have cancer. And since they had performed no remedial treatment in the hospital, they determined she never did have cancer, for without treatment the child could not have overcome the condition.”
“When my wife heard the new verdict she told the grandmother and the mother what I had done, but they could not believe that an imaginal act has any power of causation.” – Neville Goddard
Did you notice how Neville shares using the power of Revision…
And how he shares how WHILE the wife was sharing the story – “he cued his wife’s voice out – so he couldn’t even hear what she was saying”.
“He wanted to hear good news, and he created in his imagination – in his reality – good news only.”
If you had a health challenge, can you imagine hearing the doctor say, “there must have been a mistake – you must have never had cancer – because the tests now show that you don’t.”
We are amazingly powerful, once we realize the power that we are. That is why we do what we do here at FreeNeville.com – We share the stories, the lessons and the Neville Goddard PDF files – so that you will be inspired to try it to – and prove to yourself not just that the methods work – but that you are the creative power of the universe.
So while on Facebook the last night…
There was a little girl who was diagnosed with cancer, who was trying to get a million likes. Instead of liking her photo, we saw her as well, healed, whole.
Will she be healed?
As far as we are concerned – she is. And that’s what matters. You can IMAGINE LOVINGLY and make a difference in someone’s life today.
Have an amazing weekend, and remember to feel your ideal as real.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Cancer Success Stories and Articles – Click here
Special Note: What comes next, what you can click on BELOW is MY VERY PERSONAL healing adventure, very candidly shared, straight from the heart. I imagine it blessing YOU too!
MY PERSONAL HEALING EXPERIENCE – Candid Creation – Health And Healing with Feel It Real
I loved hearing this story today…yesterday a young girl of 12, from my daughter's dance studio, lost her mother to cancer. I struggled all year listening to this mom talk to other moms about her illness, the radiation, the meds, and her body changing….she even started filming a journal documentary for her family to have after she had left them…her illness had taken her so very quickly and progressed every week to something bigger or worse…and often I would ask her in my head…"What if you just stopped talking about it, what if you chose to speak life instead of focusing on the worse bits and death…would she have survived? My aunt was told she would die from her cancer in 9 months…upon hearing I
a time frame, she left the office, went to the bathroom and flushed her watch down the toilet telling herself that time meant nothing to her and no longer was part of her vocabulary. She ended up living for 7 years, was able to watch her tiny children grow up..and then she left……science then, everyone in my family has refused to wear a watch
I know this story of Neville’s. I have found it harder to do these things for myself than others but I thought I’d share my current Imagining for Blood Pressure levels. A month ago a reading showed my blood pressure at 170 over 80 I think it was. The doctor who took it started talking medication to which I replied I don’t do medicine. Then asked “What level do you want it at?” The reply was “… if you can get it down to the 140s…” So two weeks ago I went back and when the Doctor measured is was 142 over 70. Today, she measured and it was 122 over 78.
All I did to change it was to imagine hearing the doctor say “your BP is 140-something” for the second reading, and then hearing her say “your BP is 120-something” for today’s test. It was quite the simplest imagining work I’ve done to date with instant results. Next is 105 the number I remember it used to be back in the days when I went to doctors and had those kinds of tests. It really is just this simple when we give ourselves permission!
I have done thi s unknowingly especially for misplaced animals or for animals that need a home. Walah…….
Great news on the blood pressure martha. Loved hearing ypur story
I have done this unknowingly as well, but i would rather do it purposely. Yesterday I was home folding clothes and the thought of taking a friend donuts just came to mind OUT THE BLUE! I wasnt trying to think of it, had not spoke of it. An hour later that same friend messaged me and asked if I could bring donuts. They have cut hours at work and i have bills due now and dont know how to use Neville’s methods to imagine them paid without worrying where it will come from or how. I feel Neville speaks truth and I want to use it in all situations.
Just what I needed to read today, we all forget to revise every now and again. I heard some news last night that I didn’t want and instead of revising it I reacted to it. Not a serious as cancer but even so everything we don’t want should be revised 🙂
Didn't Neville's wife die from cancer?
Hi Susan,
We have no idea, what either of Neville’s wives died from.
Either way, it doesn’t matter. We can manifest what Neville, and his family haven’t, or chose not to even if that was the case. This is an area that can trip people up – and one worth putting to rest. Because if we limit in our minds what we can do – based on what other people have chosen to do – we manifest limitations – instead of possibilities.
Thank you for asking. Many blessings.
TT and V
Totally agreed Dale.
Revision, like the other methods of Neville’s, that we explore here – is powerful.
We write our articles, and books, and make the recordings to remind us of what is possible, and how to explore just that.
Many Blessings mate.
TT and V
Great share Nikki.
In ACIM, we explore that there is no size, when it comes to miracles.
Big or small, it’s all the same. What is important to remember, is what the miracles are teaching us.
They are teaching us, the truth about what we truly are.
Have a great day!
TT and V
Great share Christine.
How many areas in our lives can we innocently play with the power that we are?
What a great way to serve all of life, without attachment.
TT and V