Dear TT and V,
For a couple of years I have been experiencing something that never before happened to me or perhaps I wasn’t aware of it: money flows daily to me at the very last minute, unpredictably and in the exact amount that I need, always for urgent matters.
May I ask you, why is it my positiveness is not enough?
What is it that I need to learn now? Thanks both in advance and very best wishes to everybody. Regards from Argentina.
Roberto V.
Let’s begin with this Neville Goddard quote:
“Because consciousness is the only reality I must assume that I am already that which I desire to be. If I do not believe that I am already what I want to be, then I remain as I am and die in this limitation.” – Neville Goddard
Hi Roberto!
Being positive – doesn’t break bad cycles – REVISION – the way Neville taught it – does.
So let’s Dive Deeper with Revision.
Revision is one of the 3 tools from the Neville Goddard Toolbox and is used to stop cycles that repeat.
Make sure you DIVE INTO this article: How To Stop Cycles That Repeat – Click Here.
Start imagining something new, something better.
Some people would LOVE to have what you’ve got going on in life. Knowing that when things got tough, that they always have exactly what they need.
The problem is…
Just getting exactly what you need (especially at the last minute) is a SURVIVAL STRATEGY.
SURVIVAL STRATEGIES do keep you alive!
But they make life WAY too stressful!
Because just surviving again – sucks!
What we want you to have instead….
… is a full on – good fun – Super Success Strategy to manifest from.
So let’s sort that out right now.
“What is it that you REALLY want instead?”
Really NAIL the lifestyle…
….your typical day, what an episode in your life is like. Here’s an example…
“TT and V, I remember when I started with you guys. I too would be counting my money before I went shopping and counting how much I put in cart. And I was counting on (actually hoping) to make it to the end of the month again – with a few miracles.”
“Since then, I got fired from my job (just like Neville) and now am happier than ever because I am doing what I love. Feel It Real is my only way of life. When I go shopping now, I enjoy it. I take my time, buy what I want, and know I have plenty of money. And my new business adventures that I was feeling it real for are great! I love what I do!”
Make THIS your way of life!
“Who would congratulate you – who would be happy for you – once you have that lifestyle? What would they say to you? How would you FEEL hearing their congratulations?”
Create in consciousness a EPISODE from your life that gives you energy, something you can feel real and then dive into it fully by creating that little “congratulatory scene” by Following-The-Formula.
And to dial it up even a level higher on how effective this can be…
Here is a great story on Neville’s brother Victor.
Notice the exact steps he took and how he imagined a level of success that not only changed his life – but the whole economy of the island of Barbados. Victor Goddard Success Story.
Have a wonderful day mate, and thank you for writing.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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Hi TT and V!
Here’s my week 2 update
It’s been ups and downs and insides out. Another week which has brought something more to the table.
I feel like the old me is dying and the feeling of it’s already done is growing on me, in me and as me. There’s a calming curiosity occupying the places where worries and fears used to reside.
I’ve had some moments of confusion but clarity is always close when I realize that I, and only I, give meaning to whatever it is in the moment that takes my attention away from how I would like life to be.
It’s been a most intresting adventure so far and I feel anticipation for road ahead of me.
I must admit that I have some trouble with lesson 15. I can see like I am the participant and not an onlooker but it’s so blurry. Do you have any pointers for me regarding seeing the vision clearer? Practice, practice, practice?
I am so grateful that you guys have put together this course and I feel like, in only 2 weeks, it has already changed me so much for the better and given me a whole new outlook on life.
Much Love to You both!
Jesper – Day 14 – Manifesting Mastery
Wonderful, thank you
This has puzzled me for a while…am I correct in assuming that you doodle these icons? Or do they get radoimly assigned by computer? Anyhow, I love mine, very fitting, too!