“Please help me. I’m stuck in the same mess, it never changes, I need help.” – Frustrated
Hi Frustrated!
Let’s begin with this Neville Goddard quote for you today:
“You must this night — not tomorrow — learn the technique of writing your own obituary and so completely die to what you are that no man in this world can tell you where you buried the old man. If you are now ill and you become well, and I know you by reason of the fact that you are ill, where can you point and tell me you buried the sick one?
If you are impoverished and borrow from every friend you have, and then suddenly you roll in wealth, where did you bury the poor man? You so completely rub out poverty in your mind’s eye that there is nothing in this world you can point to and claim, that is where I left it. A complete transformation of consciousness rubs out all evidence that anything other than this ever existed in the world.” – Neville Goddard –
Let’s dive in.
First, stop telling your old story. We are friends on Facebook. And I see that you’ve been telling everyone who reads your timeline – and your posts in groups – the same story. Day in, day out. STOP IT.
Everytime you tell “your story” it becomes “your story” once again. Tell it once more, then never ever tell it again. BUT this time, make it an Obituary – for the old you.
“Today we remember Jack for one last time. Jack used to worry all the time. Jack always had a nice smile and he thought nobody could tell he was under stress, but they could. Jack always had a nice word to say, he even helped old ladies and young mothers cross the street when they needed help.”
“Jack worried about money, he even struggled while grocery shopping sometimes. He wanted to buy Skippy peanut butter, but Jif was on sale. That 20 cent savings, well those add up. (And so do the mental struggle about all that nonsense.) But one day Jack had enough. All those worries, all those fears, all those inner arguments, they came to a sudden unexpected end. And now, Jack’s in heaven. Held by the arms of our loving father. Feeling the peace and the joy that were so illusive.”
You can be held by the loving arms of your father. The arms of the wonderful human imagination – what we really are.
You can feel complete joy and peace. All you have to do – is stop telling your story and start living your life.
And to do that just Follow-The-Formula
Many blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Years ago, I wrote my own obituary – and killed the me that was limited by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A great read that will change your life. Feel free to share.
great stuff. So I kill one illusion for another. Sounds very human to me.
Thank you Twenty Twenty, this is a good one. I so appreciated it. And I know Neville would think so to in all you are doing. Take care my friend.
Thank you Twenty Twenty, this a good one. I so appreciated it, and I know Neville would think so too in all you are doing. Take care my friend.
Thank you Conni!
Greatly appreciated.
Peace to you!
Twenty Twenty
I have been writing the obiturary for everyone in my past, but I was not saying goodbye to the old ME! Thank you, because now I understand why the old persons kept reappearing….they were my own imagination of which had not died. Thank you! Today I bury her…the old self.
Where can I find YOUR obituary, Mr. Twenty-Twenty? The one you have referenced below.
I don't have it online Indi. It is buried, with the old man. Big love! 🙂