“Hey guys! What if what I want is not in the will of God? Will I still get what I want in my life? Will I still get what I imagine?” – Davida
Let’s see what Neville has to say about this for us today.
“God speaks to man only through the medium of his basic desires.” – Neville Goddard
In other words….
Now where things get screwed up and life gets tough.,.
… is when you ADD TO or TAKE AWAY from those desires.
“Man desires freedom from his limitation or problem. The first thing he does after he defines his objective is to condition it upon something else. He begins to speculate on the manner of acquiring it. Not knowing that the thing desired has a way of expression all of its own he starts planning how he is going to get it, thereby adding to the word of God.” – Neville Goddard
All the time, we hear from folks who STRUGGLE with this, because they ADD to their desires. They imagine “hitting the lottery” so they can TRAVEL the world. Instead of doing what Neville teaches…
POWER POINT: Imagine what IMPLIES your wish is ALREADY true.
Instead of imagining NEEDING to win the lottery – to travel the world…. Imagine seeing your BEST FRIEND, after you RETURN HOME, from your latest First Class Adventure.
Get the Difference?
Imagining what you need BEFORE your “wish”, blocks your blessing. Imagining what NATURALLY FOLLOWS your wish fulfilled makes this EASY AND FUN!
If you got GOLD then it’s time to DIVE DEEPER.
And tune in TOMORROW because we are going to stop you from TAKING AWAY from your desires – what Neville calls “the word of God” – so you can HAVE HEAPS more fun and daily wins too!
TT and V
– Get The Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here!
Enjoy your weekend, and enjoy the new free Neville Goddard recording and the new collection of Neville Goddard In His Own Voice – Spirituality and The Bible – Click here
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
What looks like two urls at the bottom of the article are not links, indeed.
It can be no other way. There is only One Power. You can believe there are two and try to serve two but you cannot. You cannot believe and stand in or for two forms of consciousness. You either believe in the Father-Mother Principle and not follow (ego) or believe in ego and not God. The Will of God is not the will of ego so until one aligns with the WILL, you will not receive or see the manifestation you desire because you are in doubt, disbelief, anxious, worried (serving -believing all forms of ego as TRUTH).
just saying that when I click on the links they don't work sooo can you get them working.
oh i get that very clearly notice when i am out of myself lovely things happen .the world is much more interesting and fun than i ever thought lolol
Good Morning Maggie
http://www.masterschannel.com/video/what-does-it-take-make-your-dreams-come-true this should work for everybody.
http://www.masterschannel.com/video/what-does-it-take-make-your-dreams-come-true – this should work for everybody with no problem.
The homework assignment is a good one Mr. TT.
Richest Blessings to Everyone,
Daya Devi-Doolin