Hey mate,
Let’s continue exploring Neville’s
…Feel It Real Session from yesterday’s article – Peeking Over Neville’s Shoulder worked out.
As you remember..
….he was using Feel It Real to get him and his family off the island of Barbados and back to the US for a speaking tour he had coming up fast – and he didn’t have a ticket.
He took a break from his daily routine…
…did a feel it real session and within minutes – had tickets for him and his family back to the States. He continues to explain what happened here – from talking to lady who worked for the cruise line.
“Well, suddenly she changed her feeling about it (who should get the ticket). Then they went down the entire list with no reason whatsoever and gave it to us… That is how she justified giving it to me when hundreds of people were before me.” – Neville Goddard
POWER POINT: (You are gonna LOVE this!)
The series of events that made his wish fulfilled – that took less than 24 hours following his Feel it Real session, all began with her experiencing a “change of feeling” about who should get it the tickets.
When you do a Feel It Real session…
…when you change YOUR FEELING to feeling FROM the state of your wish fulfilled, changes the FEELINGS people you have never even met – people who will help your dream become a reality. All because you choose to take the time to FEEL it real.
“I know how I did it. Every natural effect has a spiritual cause, and not a natural. A natural cause only seems. It is a delusion. Well, I remembered what I did. It was only a matter of 24 hours between planting that seed and the springing of that seed into objective reality.” – Neville Goddard
Remember, once a SPIRITUAL STATE (the state of your wish fulfilled) feels NATURAL – it will take form in your world.
Every natural effect has a spiritual cause. Feel this in your bones. Notice it EVERYWHERE.
Do your Feel It Real Sessions – THE WAY WE TEACH – so you can walk FEELING your wish has been fulfilled.
Have an amazing day and remember to feel your ideal as real!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
If you want to FLY HIGHER, you’ve got to DIVE DEEPER!
– Get The Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here!
Let’s celebrate Joelle’s $500 Easy Win!
Hi TT and V,
Back in September I sold a piece of furniture to a consignment shop. You know the deal, they put it for sale at the store and and pay you after it’s sold. Thing is the longer it takes to sell, the less you get and the more they keep.
I had big doubts they would sell my furniture but I decided to imagine the furniture was sold fast.
Fast forward two months later this week I thought damn I haven’t heard from the store. I reminded myself of what I had imagined and I also remembered that I decided to embody the state of someone that whenever I have something for sale, it always sells and it sells fast! I called the store yesterday and they told me my furniture had sold in a day and my check was there waiting for me. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the date on the check! The easiest 500 win!
Big hugs.
Ps: feel free to share
Joelle in Manifesting Mastery
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Join Us in Manifesting Mastery Today! – Click here! – You get a special Member’s Only lesson every day – with a cool little recording and a short read…. A simple little Special Assignment that takes just a few minutes – and a whole new life! HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS OF PROVEN SUCCESS STORIES – Let’s share your story next!
I've been doing this for many years now and I feel like such a fool. It has never worked for me in a positive way. The only changes have been negative and now there's almost nothing left to take from me. I have lost everything. I give up.
the problem as i can deduct from your message is that u actualy were imagining the negative side the opposite of what you wanted.
i have had a lot of succeses but mostly when it was things i was afraid of not getting it backfired on me to.
even if u wanted to stop u cant stop imagining and u cant stop the law of imagining.
try as a shortcut , just imagining being happy being secure being loved, these feelings are inside you nothing outside needed fro those and there supply is endless
end you will get outside things to as a result from this, could u be treully happy when u are broke ?
dont give up give in 🙂
Hi Greg,
When I hear words like NEVER, always and EVERYTIME – I ask myself – what are they missing?
In your whole life, it’s impossible that you have never imagined something and it working out the way you imagined it. You imagined writing an comment here, and your body (part of the universe) responded.
So did I. So have other readers. Comments here, and private emails to me personally.
The whole vast universe responds to what is being imagined. We are imagining all the time.
Don’t give up, dive in deeper.
Imagine something simple, like how your best friend looks when you two are having a great time. Bring up some memories of good times and notice – you are imagining them – and your body is responding to them. Your body is part of the universe. Use it as a tool to notice what you are imagining and adjust.
You can do this mate. You’ve been doing it all your life on autopilot. This is where we choose to start diving the bus again.
TT and V
Good one Justin!
You can’t stop imagining, you can either direct it or let the vine of your mind grow wild.
This is why noticing what you can be thankful for and choosing to be thankful can totally change the direction life has been heading.
Imagine being happy. Find something that you can choose to be happy about.
And watch what happens.
TT and V
Oh Justin – I read your thread, and the responses, and want to add to the voices of don’t give up, gain clarity. Have the continued courage to…. really see where the old tethers have you bound. Because outside of your own view of you…. it is seen.
There will be a time when this becomes so clear to you, as it has in my own life. I have, like most of us, stories that darn…just keep on seeming to repeat. I just am walking through yet another one – on a large scale, public, lots of money and reputation…
and because of a new courage of responsibility in me…because of this precious and powerful work…I am so clearly able to see and FEEL the truth about this story of “mine”. So I revise and feel it real to new answers, new solutions. I am doing this for my peace and my power. This particular person, business partner, story – well, it has a deep root that my self gauged power may or not be able to shake or change. HOWEVER -I am so so sure of my ability/power/right to change it in my mind and heart – that, it allows me to walk so peaceful and strong amidst so much seeming loss and attack.
So I turn away from the story (the past, the Lisa I am) and turn towards the desired state (the I AM) that Ican imagine….from every choice that exists to me (in my imagination).
I turn towards, and sit here to feel it real and do the sessions….to heal/grow/imagine better.
ANd as the colloquial saying goes, when one door closes, another (several) door(s) open.
At peace, away from the drama, letting go even of the language of perceived “loss”…I am the creator, by choice, of this that is my next.
Don’t quit, for you are “doing” it anyway. You are imagining, holding and creating stories anyway – as we all are.
Just decide to be deliberate.
Vigilant of your thoughts and inner words and desires.
Is what I want my ex-partner to suffer? or is what I want my own success etc…
It is basic and easy – well, simple – when we take that time. That means the “perceived” injustice of what I am experiencing from this…is a choice. So I give myself the tool to remember I can choose again. I can choose to not perceive anything that way. I can choose to look this other direction.
And in that direction, in my own life story here and not, I find multiple doors/opportunities/new people that see me here, at this HIGHER VIBRATION. Me at the state of MORE. State of where I want to live from, now.
Don’t give up.
Be Deliberate in Your Choice as Creator.
And, talk with people who know this is your choice. Not anyone – no one -who indulges your story of small, lack, hurt, can’t, “they did this”….
Breathe it in. There is a powerful community of us here walking with the Neville Toolbox 🙂
And -lastly, we all, here in this forum we all went through, dip into…this feeling you have.
Don’t quit. It will not serve you.
Love from the community.
Love that. Don’t give up. Dive in Deeper. Love that. Love you.
hi Lisa…may i have ur email id i need to share something with you.mine is veena.senorita@gmail.com
The first commenter mentioned something about ‘feeling like such a fool.” That already implies you don’t have the feel it real of your wish fulfilled. Instead, you feel foolish, and all that that implies. Maybe shamed, unworthy, or less valued than you really deserve to be? That by itself should be a good clue you are off track somewhere. I will sometimes do something, or say something that is foolish. I respond by noticing it; I also realize that while I may have SAID or DONE something foolish, that by itself does not make me, personally a fool. There’s a big difference, and one worth noting as you move forward in your study of the Neville Goddard work and precepts.
Excellent comment Cindy.
Twenty – you have inspired such a high level of exchange, interest between members, and good will.
I love it here.