“Recognition of this truth will transform you from one who tries to make it so, into one who recognizes it to be so.” – Neville Goddard
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if you could stop trying so hard and simply enjoy the amazing benefits of walking in true faith?
You can do that easily, once you stop believing the lies and start accepting the truth about you.
Do this, and you would be transformed from the one who keeps trying and struggling, to the one who recognizes the truth about you and about your world.
Let’s look at how to feel it real with Neville, and examine the true cause of creation – and where true creative power is.
“Called upon to look for the cause of creation, what are you doing losing yourself in the phenomena of life? When something happens, search your thoughts and you will discover your own wonderful human imagination to be the cause of your experience, because God is a person.”
At the present time He is wearing a mask called Neville, but the one speaking to you now knows himself to be the Ancient of Days. Every being in the world is a mask worn by God; for housed in man, is man’s imagination.” – Neville Goddard
Before you can create the world of your dreams, you need to accept the truth about you. You are not “the mask” – the physical body you wear. You, like me – are the Ancient of Days – one with God.
Neville says that God is wearing a mask – and in his case the mask is called “Neville”. What the world thinks is you – your body – your history – your stories, is the mask God wears.
Remember now the truth, that every being in the world is a mask worn by God, and that every being in the world will play it’s role in bringing you YOUR desired – once you remember that YOU are what is wearing the mask – you are one with God. You do that by defining what you want in life, and you can do that because YOU are greater than any state..
- Choose what you want in life, define it.
- Don’t bother figuring out how to make it happen.
- Define it and then play your part in it. For you will travel across a bridge of incidents that will make it so.
“There is only one cause for the phenomena of life. That cause is God. Housed in you, God is a person in the most literal sense of the word. Believe me, for I know this from experience. God, the only creator, is pure imagination working in the depth of your soul. God began a good work in you and He will bring it to completion on the day God’s creative power is unveiled in you!” – Neville Goddard
Today, we want you to create the state you want in life, because you as creator have the power to do just that. Do that with your Feel It Real sessions. And the state you have created – will change your life – your circumstances. And it will do it in ways you can not foresee.
“God (your mightier self) does not ask you to consider the means, but to define the end. Speaking to you through the medium of desire, God asks the question: “What wantest thou of me?” Then he tells you not to be concerned with the ways and means, for his ways are unsearchable. They are inscrutable and past finding out.” – Neville Goddard
Define what feelings you want – confident – secure.
See FROM what you would see – hear what you would hear – if that were already objectified in the physical world.
And experience fully as real the feelings that imply, “it is done”. Then buckle up, it’s gonna get fun!
Holding great transformations in mind for you, remembering you are not the mask, you are what wears the mask.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
For more insights into the nature of you and God – Get the Complete God Lecture Series – Neville Goddard In His Own Voice – Click here!
The Essential Teachings of Neville – Step by Step Instruction on how to effectively Feel It Real. Get The Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here
Dear Mr. Twenty Twenty,
I’ve just realized that my Feel It Real sessions are more about specific accomplishments than the overall state in which I desire to dwell. It is as if I believe that having each of these accomplishments will take me to that state, and I know that’s not the way to go about this. But I’m having difficulty envisioning the state itself, so I suppose that’s just because I’m not clear? It isn’t so much a state where people would be congratulating me on something, but rather a state of feeling that might or might not be obvious to others. An inner sense of calm and freedom and love of my life. When I try to imagine what would give me that feeling, I just come up with specific accomplishments – and it somehow seems to be missing the point because what I really want is the feeling – however it would manifest. Can you help?
I loved Amanda’s question from last year; I would welcome an answer to that one too Twenty. I understand, yet – I can say that I have felt the state as supported by events. Not that I was waiting for the events first, but rather when I imagine my state – I feel that state as supported “by”.
Is that the same as congratulatory conversations etc?
Love this!
I, too, would love a reply to Amanda’ s question , thanks
This is great Mr. Twenty Twenty! I have a question for you. If you have an 'ultimate vision' of what your life would look like if everything in your life was the way you desired and you spent months working at that vision, but things in your life became increasingly worse. Am I supposed to concentrate on visualizing a scene to fix the immediate problems or do I stay focused on the 'bigger picture'? The current issues are kinda huge and I'm not sure which scene I should be putting my focus on.
Hi Amanda!
What’s it FEEL like – that end state?
Shift from trying to see it or figure it out – to what’s that ultimate end.
In a way, NOTHING can give you that – but you.
This is a very different approach to living life than the masses, and we’ve been programmed to think like the masses.
Exploring it a bit every day, will make huge shifts for you.
TT and V
Congratulatory conversations are great.
I’d stick with them, as much as possible.
When I was imagining tournament wins way back in the old days, most of the scenes were AFTER the tournament. With maybe a snip of a memory of the event itself.
TT and V
Hi Trish!
The tough thing with focusing on “problems” is that they become a pattern for many. It’s like…
“I manifested the money for my mobile phone bill!”
Then next month, they’ve got to do it again.
It gets tiring, and it’s not much fun.
Contrast that with, manifesting a really decent income – the feeling of knowing you make more than you spend, and have plenty.
The “mobile phone bill” disappears from the mind – completely.
And so does the anxiety.
Hows that?
Blessings to you!
TT and V
Hi Trish!
Let me use health as this one.
I imagined several years ago – being SUBSTANTIALLY much healthier. And have lived from that end ever since.
And since then, my diet has changed, naturally. Coaching clients have “out of the blue” given me their favorite books they have been reading – because they know we love to read – and those very books – helped us with health research etc.
Here’s the key…
The physical stuff -diet – suppliments – exercise etc – don’t make anything happen. We all know people who “eat healthy” who are total health wrecks. It’s the IMAGINAL ACT of living as that healthy person – being healthy – that lets any diet – exercise – supplimentation – work wonderfully.
Sometimes, the daily bits need to be faced into, and something done to participate in the change. Sometimes they simply need to be forgotten. Part of the path is learning to notice – what does the body (part of the universe) get to do – as the result manifests.
Blessings to you Trish, hope that helps!
TT and V
This is hilarious! The two issues I have but did not mention in my question, are the two you used to answer me! Thank you sooooooo much! Your answers really help and thank you for the daily Neville/Twenty Twenty guidance :O)
I Love it so much! Catastrophically powerful.
Good one Trish.
We are one with God.
Love the one mind bit.
TT and V
Fabulous, thanks for following up on my re-quest!
Reached epiphany stage last night redefining what I’d like to be and feel in my life, really knowing it is a prerequisite to really feeling it, very exciting journey, thank you TT and V
YES! I love that exact example about the phone bill…and why focusing on getting/having enough money for the phone bill..needs to be repeated for the next bill.
AH HA – I would say.
Getting better and better and this every day.
Honestly, it does not get any better or clearer than this. Thank you TT and Trish too!