Hey mate,
Often, your letters to us seem to ask about what specifically you need to focus on when Nevillizing, so you you get the results you want. Yesterday, Patricia left this request in the comment’s section below an article, and today we wanted to share Neville’s answer from the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack. Let’s dive in, and notice if you have experienced something similar before.
” Our company ( my husband’s and mine) is currently being faced with several wonderful financial opportunities. I have one in particular I would like to manifest and have been doing directed imagining regarding it. However , I’m wondering if I should just be imagining a general outcome of success, instead of focusing on the one I prefer. Thoughts anyone? Thanks so much! LOVE this site and all it’s positive energy !!” – Patricia
Here is Neville’s quote:
“Ask yourself how you would feel and what you would be doing if your business venture were a great success. Become identified with that character and feeling and you will be amazed how quickly you will realize your dream. The only sacrifice you are called upon to make, is to give up your present concept of self and appropriate the desire you want to express.” – From Lesson 15 – Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack
Notice how Neville instead of focusing on the specific – particular direction success comes in – which deal came into completion, he focuses instead on the person’s experience. “How would it feel and what would you be doing if….” – the the company took on a new level of success. It’s about re-identifying YOU, as the new you – the character who experiences that success. This removes the need to focus on the means, the particular path that success took.
In our lives, when we shifted from “We make all the money we need and more from doing X” to “We are the kind of couple who receives all the money we need and more, while doing x, y and z”, that changed everything. And gave room inside the imagination to explore what qualities that couple embodies, “what do we do – how do we feel”.
There are numerous little shifts like this that open the floodgates of prosperity, in the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack. It is cool to notice, that are often repeated in slightly different ways by Neville, because we all learn them in slightly different ways, and as you hear in the special IN HIS OWN VOICE recording, we need to hear thoughts like this repeatedly – so they become the dominant thoughts inside your mind.
Good stuff. Thank you Patricia for the inspiration for today’s article. Victoria and I are taking a few days off, but will be checking email once a day, just letting you know, in case it takes us a day or so to email back. Look forward to some cool photos from our weekend, and remember – what you hold in mind manifests – define the ideal more prosperous you – and notice how amazingly the universe responds.
Many Blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
PS: If you like today’s lesson, you can have 59 solid gold audio lessons (with printed summaries) and much more in the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack. Go get it now, and amp up your results even more.
Get The Massive Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack Special – Click here!
Manifesting Money – Click Here
Neville Goddard In His Own Voice – Special States Series – Click Here!
Mr. TNT and Vicoria,
Thank you so much for “which way should I visualize?!” I’ve been having such difficulty with this. My business is selling news homes (I work for a builder) and we have monthly/quarterly goals to acheive. When I have a good potential buyer, I start visualizing them signing a contact and put myself into the feeling of joy and success it brings to all parties. I know instinctively, though, that that’s a trap…choosing the WAY I acheive my goals rather than allowing them to manifest through the natural laws. I could use a little more help.
Thank you for all you do and have a wonderful trip!!!
great question and great answer. Thank you
This is a wonderful article, per usual. I followed the link from the other lesson today, and I appreciate so much the consistency and depth of your answers and reflections on these details. I find it more and more true – or perhaps it is totally true, right, and I am gaining in my understanding…of these details and subtle shifts.
Great, the way you care for us and share with us. From my heart to yours, thank you.
Hi Mr Twenty Twenty
I have been imagining winning the lottery jackpot. My imaginal act involves bring congratulated by the winning advisor in the comfort of my home eith my family around me. It involves the handshake, congratulations and hug. I have been doing this for the past few days and last night i didn’t feel the need to imagine this anymore. I know that Neville taught that the imaginal act has its own appointed hour and there is normally a time delay before it manifests into reality even though it is done in imagination.
What should I do? Should I carry on the act or leave it alone in order for it to resurrect in its own time?
Hi Sukhi!
Start imagining other things in life. The best manifestors I know, imagine up heaps.
And if they ever “lose the state” of something they once imagined, then they dive back into that.
Great question.
TT and V
Thanks TT,
I am trying yerba mate tea, it just arrived this morning. You mentioned it in your feel it real pack that it causes alpha brain waves.
what is the key factor that causes something to manifests instantly in reality vs a month?