“I am a single, a computer programmer, and fat, and I am ready to change all three. Where should I being with what you share on FreeNeville.com?” – DD
Hi DD,
Let’s begin with this: Every item you list in your first sentence, is a state – that you have been living in. Neville says that states are just like cities. You can drive past them, stop by and visit them, move in for a while, and when you are ready, you can move on to the next one you choose to create. Let’s begin there, because that sets the stage for some very powerful shifts in your life.
“You don’t have to remain in a state if you have made a mistake. You can change states morning, noon, and night, but the state to which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place. It is from there you are going to live and perpetuate UNTIL you move in thought.” – Neville Goddard
Since states are like cities that you can pass through, the next step is to remember – you are NOT the state that you are living in – you are NOT any state that you experience. You are the CONSCIOUSNESS – that is experiencing that state. You are the “I Am” – experiencing that state – and that makes YOU more powerful than any state.
TAKE AWAY: You, being ONLY the consciousness – the I AM – that experiences the state, allows you to let go of anything “bad” that you or another has ever done – instantly. Any “bad” state (experience), is just a state to be moved beyond, to be left behind.
So today, begin with the lesson that you are greater than any state. You are greater than the state of being single – and the state of being married. Your are greater than the state of “computer programmer” and the state of self employed or richly retired. You are greater than the states of “fat” or “fit”. You are greater than all of them, because you can choose a new state, and you can even create a new state to move into.
For you are the Power Of Choice and Creation. Which states do you wish to embody today? Define them to the point that they feel real, then go read:
Where should I Begin – Part 2 – What do I do next?
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
To learn more about states – here are three hand selected resources just for you.
Recording: You Create The State – Click Here
The Special State Series – Neville Goddard MP3 Recordings – In His Own Voice – Click Here.