Hey mate,
We just love when we get success stories from you, that show fast – THIS STUFF WORKS. All you have to do is get out of your own way – and Follow-The-Formula like we teach it.
Mike has done just that. Mike dove into Manifesting Mastery – THREE TIMES – he didn’t give up – he kept diving deeper and deeper so he got ROCK SOLID RESULTS.
This isn’t the first letter we’ve gotten from him, and we know it isn’t gonna be the last. Way go to mate, keep diving in, diving deeper, and living life to the max.
“What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal activity.”
“Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality .” – Neville Goddard quote
The job that I am working at is going poorly, I am on full commission and not making many sales and gradually realized last week that I should start looking for other work in order to make the money I need to make.
Earlier this week I had the thought of how nice it would be to go back to my old job…then I let it drop.
TT AND V: See why we used THIS QUOTE for Mike’s Manifesting Mastery Success Story? He THOUGHT WITH FEELING about what he wanted, and he let it DROP – like we teach. He detached from wanting it, and enjoyed HAVING THAT EXPERIENCE.
Yesterday, I received a text message from one of my co-workers at the old job asking me how things were and I replied that I was going to start looking for another job as the current one wasn’t working out.
Last evening I thought how nice it would be if my boss from the previous job were to call me and offer me my old job back and chuckled to myself.
This morning, at my current job, I was called into the managers office at 9:30 AM and was told I was being let go due to poor sales. I took it OK, but afterward got a bit panicked about finances, etc.
Around Noon local time, I saw a call coming in from my old boss at my last job. He wanted to know if I would be interested in coming back to work for him so we arranged to meet at 2 PM.
By 2:30 I had my old job back at an increased salary and increased expense allowance!!!
I didn’t spend a lot of time energy or effort on the FIR for getting my old job back but in the span of a few short hours today everything happened just as I imagined it would!!
I’m absolutely amazed at the speed of this manifesting!!
I can only thank the members of this group, TT and V for helping me to realize the truth of these teachings!!!
Mike P. from Manifesting Mastery and Manifesting to The Max
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