Hey mate,
Today we’ve got a way cool update from Tameka in our Facebook group. First, tiny bit of background, Tameka’s been with us about about a year now, she’s done the 90 Day Manifesting Mastery Program (now twice), is an active member of our facebook group, and has done a handful of coaching calls with us.
And today, she is sharing with us all the ups and all the downs and her just lovely breakthroughs – that have given her the Neville Goddard lifestyle too.
Notice what she’s done. Notice what she stopped doing. And notice what happens, when you dive in deep, abandon everything else (the shortcuts and the silly stuff) and notice what happens – when you fully accept the truth about you.
Let’s dive in with a quote from Neville, and enjoy Tameka’s journey together.
“Not being concerned as to how the money will come to you, will you test God’s power and wisdom by falling asleep aware of having the money? If you will, you are serving God and in a way your surface mind could not devise, the money will be yours.”
“Then, having tested the depths of your own being, you will know whom (not what) you have trusted. You will know whom you have believed. And that sure knowledge will vindicate your past trust. This is how God’s wonderful principle works.” – Neville Goddard
Dear Facebook Family,
I don’t know why but this morning I AM lead to give you my testimony, Some of all may know it some of all may not, It’s going to be kinda lengthy so bare with me.
About six years ago the man that married me began working for a training program as an Instructor Supervisor in a Carpentry Company. He worked there for about three years, and he was growing miserable. They was cutting his pay every chance they could get ( he started out with $20 hr, ended $17 hr plus shorter work hours).
I told him not to accept them to reduce his pay again, have them release you so you can get unemployment and work on your business. So yes, they wanted to reduce his pay again (to $13 hr) and give him a different position. So he left and got unemployment and begin working on his business.
But lo and be hold another training company wanted to hire him in less then a month. I really didn’t think it was a great Idea but he wanted to feed his family. Every since he was working that job it seemed like a dark cloud hanging over us financially and health wise for him. He would work all day and night he sometimes had a side job.
The job would mess his checks up, some weeks he had no hours. One year $10,000 in taxes was taken from us because his job wasn’t doing something right. He ended having three minor heart attacks one which required an proceeder done and the list goes on and on.
And me, I wasn’t any better I was trying to find any quick scheme to help us get rich. Speaking Affirmations 300 times a day, Paying tithes (and being strict about it too) playing the lottery, starting MLM businesses, trying be a part of different LOA programs, paying them loads and getting nowhere, needless to say this put great stress on to our marriage and our family as a whole.
Then about a year ago finally this facebook group came across my path. I decided to stay and see what this was about. I purchased a few of Twenty’s programs and do a few coaching sessions as well with him. I also began digging deeper with Neville Goddard as well.
That’s when My life begin to change, I began to be aware of who I AM and became more conscience of everything I do now, and playing with my Imagination more.
The man that married me finally quit his job in October, then things finally changed drastically. Business and Money are flowing in, no stress, no arguments about money anymore. And We’ve opened our own training program.
Gosh this is Good I thought I’ll never see the day but it’s here and it’s here to stay and of more Abundance daily. I’m happier and Loving it. Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you family for taking time out to read, love you guys MUUUAAAHHH!!!
Tameka – Manifesting Mastery Graduate 2015
UPDATE FROM TAMEKA: March 16, 2016: I just found out today that another Foundation wants to give us funding for our training program. And we’re not marketing, asking or begging. People are just literally want to give us money.
So Monday we have a meeting with their board, So they can give us a budget on how much they want to give us. And soon we will be interviewing out first set of students. This Neville Life is truly amazing. And this is not the end of it. Gotta add this ….Haven’t paid much of a dime for any of this