Note: This amazing testimonial comes from Anne, who is about 3 weeks into the Manifesting Mastery Program. Let’s dive in.
Hi TT and V–
I’m greatly enjoying the Manifesting Mastery sessions. A couple of times I fell behind a day or two, but it was easy to get caught up again.
One effect of the program that fascinates me is the insights I am gaining. First, I am really starting to understand how it is things/experiences show up in my life. The second key insight is understanding the “want behind the want” — what it really is that I want when, for example, I desire a certain amount of money — but then when I think about it, I can identify the real desire behind that one (I want to have enough to meet my needs this week – groceries, gas, etc.).
Now here are a few “little” success stories (actually the last is not so little). Last week I was low on money several days before payday. I imagined the amount I needed, and then did feel-it-real sessions where I experienced a pile of groceries on the kitchen table, myself putting gas in my car, taking cash out of my wallet. My daughter and her family were about to leave for a month-long stay in Hawaii, and I offered to care for her cat. (I had no thought of receiving payment for doing this when I made the offer.) Well, you guessed it, when she dropped off the kitty, my daughter gave me $100, and her hubby gave me a bit more! More than enough to see me through to payday.
The next one: My son has been planning to move out for a while (he’s 20), and I was hoping he would find the right arrangement and roommates soon to be able to do that. I didn’t exactly do a feel-it-real approach with this — mainly I just was thinking about the idea more and more and (importantly) putting positive emotion into this idea (“yes, it is the right time for him to move out, he’s ready and I’m ready”… etc.). Last week, my son suddenly announced he’d found a place and roommates and within a couple days moved out! He’s quite happy in his new living situation. I feel very liberated, and I know he does, too.
The third success story – most important to me. My mother told me last week she would need to have a third surgical procedure to try to mitigate her glaucoma. (She had two procedures last year, which worked only temporarily.) This morning, shortly before her surgery was to take place, I did a feel-it-real session where I imagined my mother telling me by phone that the procedure went “perfectly,” her doctor telling her that her vision was “100% better”, and my mom up and about doing her normal activities. Well, this evening my mother phoned and very happily told me that the surgery went very smoothly (she did use the word “perfect”). I will continue to do the sessions around her recovery. By the way, I did tell her a bit about the imagining process I did, and she was quite receptive to that and thanked me.
Anyway, this is getting long, but I wanted to give you a report. I look forward to the rest of the Manifesting Mastery course – I have big plans! 🙂
Note: Manifesting Mastery is our Core Training program that takes about 15 minutes a day – and costs less than the price of decent donut OR crappy cup of coffee each day. We invite you to join us – transform your world – and create the life of your dreams. Join Us Today In Manifesting Mastery – Click here