Hey mate,
Today to SPEED UP your manifesting, we are going to SMASH TO BITS one of the biggest LIES…
…that block your blessings and keep you frustrated and slow things down.
- This LIE is what I was taught, time and time again growing up.
- This LIE is what I learned from “the secret”.
- This LIE is what almost everyone else out there is STILL SAYING.
And this LIE is 100% WRONG….
“You only need a small bit of faith to succeed – the faith the size of the mustard seed.”
- It’s 100% all wrong!
- And it’s not how we live, or how Neville taught.
If you want the EASY SPEEDY results we get, you’ve got to do what we do.
Let’s see what Neville has to say…
…and then apply it wildly to your life – so you get what you want – starting right now.
“The grain of mustard seed is not the measure of a small amount of faith. On the contrary, it is the absolute in faith.”
“A mustard seed is conscious of being a mustard seed and a mustard seed alone. It is not aware of any other seed in the world.”
“It is sealed in the conviction that it is a mustard seed in the same manner that the spermatozoa sealed in the womb is conscious of being man and only man.” – Neville Goddard
How could they have MISSED THAT ENTIRELY?
So here’s the deal – YOU are going to LOVE THIS!
Join Us Today In
Manifesting Mastery
Click Here
NOW, let’s dive DEEPER!
“A grain of mustard seed is truly the measure of faith necessary to accomplish your every objective; but like the mustard seed you too must LOSE YOURSELF in the consciousness of being only the thing desired. You abide within this sealed state until it bursts itself and reveals your conscious claim.” – Neville Goddard
Most people – get the “point” of the lesson wrong – see above – and they keep SETTLING FOR SMALL SUCCESSES…
This is why we do what we do, we are here to change all that – because we’ve done all that.
Here’s your invitation!
DIVE DEEPER – join us in Manifesting Mastery – CLICK HERE and make this your BEST YEAR EVER! You and your dreams – and your FAMILY – are so worth it.
“And remember, MOST PEOPLE get something EXACTLY BACKWARDS – like “the mustard seed” lesson above – and then they stay STUCK in orbit – around their problems – for AGES.”
Join us. Read the HUNDREDS of published Success Stories and see for yourself – what happens when you DIVE IN DEEPER.
Blessings and big love,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Hi Mr TT & V!
Some cool wins this week:
- On a walk my toe started hurting with every step. I revised on the spot and 20 steps later the pain was gone.
- Instant win—Ashley was eating cheese and crackers and I imagined how lovely it would be it she offered me a piece. The very next second, she did!
- Free beer. The keg ran out when the pint was more than 3/4 full. But because it wasn’t a full pour, the bartender gave it to me at no charge. (Isn’t it fun to notice the infinite ways we create and experience wealth?)
- On our walk last night, I started hiccuping. In the past I’ve had some loony ideas about how to fix them, but I went back a few steps and imagined walking without hiccups. Instantly—no more hiccups.
Oh, and my dad got approved for chemo. I know he believes strongly in it, so that should turn out well, too.
Thanks again for this beautiful course.
With love,
Brian, MM Day 49
This is awesome! Thank you.
Yes, I agree with you that some people get confused with that verse. Jesus uses hyperbole all throughout the NT in the Bible.
In this parable He is making a point about Faith when He talks about the “size of a mustard seed.” The point is : Faith is like the planting of a mustard seed meaning it may start out small. We nourish a plant with water and it thrives. We nourish our Faith with good prayers, imagination, meditation, etc and watch it grow bigger and stronger.
The small seedling, that came from a seed approximately 3 mm in diameter, turns into a very big tree ( some can grow over 9 feet in height) that flourishes. Most people go from Fear to Hope to Faith. When Faith flourishes, then we will not be like his disciples when He saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?
Thank you for clearing this one up. It’s something that has frustrated me for years. But it totally makes sense… I have to be fully conscious of what I desire and nothing else. Blessings to you!!
Hi Valvacious,
The best bit was the last bit.
“Why are they fearful?”
They are fearful, because they have LITTLE FAITH.
A little faith – ISN’T FAITH.
Want results? FULLY ASSUME the state of the wish fulfilled.
TT and V
Hello Dear Victoria and Mr Twenty Twenty HAPPY NEW YEAR
Happy New Year to you Mr.20/20 and Victoria….you are both amazing with your dedication; I’m like a “kid in a candy store” reading absolutely everything that enters my email from you, and I want to say thank you very much!
I love all these articles that have opened my eyes wide and going wider – have had small and medium success stories so I know ‘this stuff works’ . Since it is a dedicated learning curve and having faith is necessary and obvious for results, but at times its hard to keep it in place or concentration, however, it will become a habit with Faith, like the mustard seed…..I have faith!
I have read hundreds of books and listened to tapes over the years but Neville’s is the ‘tops’ for me, it makes complete and total sense – a natural state of thinking. Also, Mr. 20/20, I admire you for your quotes, ideas, interpretations etc. and that you always give total credits to Neville’s teachings and his philosophy, I am very impressed.
Thank you, thank you thank you…you probably hear or read this a lot, as you should.
All the best.
Hi Mr. Twenty Twenty,
I appreciate your articles and your dedication in teaching us how to live our best in life. Peace.
Yes, I agree!
They are fearful, because they have LITTLE FAITH. You get results with Big Faith which is: FULLY ASSUME the state of the wish fulfilled.
Fantastic post!!!!
Thank You for this wonderful lesson. I really enjoy the daily mail lessons and the success stories at the end of the week.
It’s a great undertaking by you guys!
Thank You!
Thank you for this absolutely fantastic post! So powerful!