Hey mate,
Today we explore the MASTER MISTAKE. And to do that, we have to ask…
“What will you let be THE MASTER of your world? What will you let determine your destiny – your future – your lifestyle?”
As we read this Neville Goddard Quote today – We are reminded of the power of JUDAS, and if we use the power of Judas – we will be THE MASTER of our world.
Judas committed suicide – Judas is nothing more than your old concept of yourself. Neville reveals that when you STOP DESIRING something and just TOTALLY ASSUME that you are what you wanted, you have properly used the Judas power.
We read that, “no man took your life, you laid it down yourself.” No man, no woman, nobody but you – can lay down the old you – by embracing the new – except for you.
Why is this so? Because YOU are the power. You are one with God. “I and my father are one.” And once you lay down all limiting concepts of you – using your Judas power, you will realize – fully realize just that. You and God are one. And you can’t help but realize your good in the world.
Have an amazing day, and enjoy the Nevile Goddard Quote below.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
“The suicide of Judas is nothing more than changing your concept of yourself. When you know what you want to be you have found your Jesus or savior. When you assume that you are what you want to be – you have died to your former concept of self (Judas committed suicide) and are now living as Jesus. You can become at will detached from the world round about you, and attached to that which you want to embody within your world… From this moment on you walk as though you were that which you formerly wanted to be. Remaining faithful to your new concept of yourself you die or commit suicide. No one took your life, you laid it down yourself.” – Neville Goddard – Core Lecture #2
Neville Goddard in His Own Voice – Volume 3 – Neville Answers Your Questions – These are more of our favorite Neville Goddard Lectures – where Neville Goddard starts his lecture – with a question to be answered. Notice how his style is “the usual Neville”, but with a special flavor or twist. We are doing something Very special with these ones, inviting you to pay what you choose – so that everyone can get this amazing collection. Go get the details now by clicking the link.
Great article that I would have never thought about. Thank you again for writing for us and sharing your garden too.
Why we need to use the Power of Judas. Great Neville Goddard lesson. Share it mates!
Hi MR TT and Victoria I just love the way you write and the connections you make with things I already know deep down to be true. I woke early this morning and read a few chapters of Neville's Awakening Imagination and your piece above has added another layer to my understanding of Neville teachings. Thank you
Thanks so much for this , Twenty & Victoria. I didn’t know Judas committed suicide – or
maybe I’d forgotten. I notice how much energy is tied up in the sound of the name Judas, and really get it that Judas is anywhere I’ve been betraying myself.