“When you pray believe that you have received, and you shall receive. When the physical creative act is completed, the sinew which is upon the hollow of man’s thigh shrinks, and man finds himself impotent or is halted.”
“In like manner when a man prays successfully he believes that he is already that which he desired to be, therefore he cannot continue desiring to be that which he is already conscious of being. At the moment of satisfaction, physical and psychological, something goes out which in time bears witness to man’s creative power.” – Neville Goddard – The Core Lectures
Hey mate,
We were asked to explore a bit deeper, what we shared about Faking It Till You Make It – which from what we have seen doesn’t work all that well. That’s because there are dangers to “fakng it till you make it”, and it is NOT the same as coming from the state of the wish fulfilled.
Faking it till you make it – involves pretending – and asserting that you are what you want – while on some level still desiring what you want in the future. That would have been like telling people that I was a Black Belt long before I was one – while still wearing my earned green or brown belt.
With faking it till you make it, there is a sense of EGO pushing the whole idea – and a sense if lying that actually gets in the way of “the ideal – Black Belt you” materializing in your life.
“Faking it till you make it is like telling people you have a million dollars in the bank – when you don’t. You can’t release when you are under that kind of pressure. On the other hand, assuming the state of THE MILLIONAIRE YOU, makes you notice – if you are making decisions that THE MILLIONAIRE YOU does.”
“Making decisions FROM the new you – RELEASES YOU from the slavery of the old patterned you. A way to tell if you have assumed the state is to notice, are you reacting to the world – as the MILLIONAIRE YOU?” – Mr Twenty Twenty
How to Effectively Assume The Man You Choose to be.
My early Nevillizing had me assume the state of being a strong and healthy Black Belt, and that had to happen because I re-acted to the world – from that state.
I carried myself with the dedication, confidence, and strength that comes from knowing that it is done – I release all expectations – and I get to discover when and how it happens in my life.
What is the state you choose to embody – to come from – to manifest fully in your life?
The Power of Assuming The state.
But once you assume the state – of the man you wish to be – and come from that state – people can’t help but notice. I remember hearing parents and friends at the local YMCA where I taught as a teenage green and brown belt saying stuff like: “He is going to be a black belt, you can see it.” “He is so dedicated to training, when will he get his black belt?”
Notice the difference. You can’t fake the confidence or the dedication that is a part of the IDEAL you. You can only create it first in your mind – and then demonstrate it in your actions. That is what Neville meant when he talked about being true to your AIM.
So do not, fake it till you make it – asserting something that you aren’t.
Instead, Assume The State of the wish fulfilled – by assuming the qualities of that man / woman. Imagine using the tools we shared in the December Mastermind Recording. Notice daily if you are reacting to the world – as the ideal you, and remember that it is up to you – to create the world of your ideal – by changing your mind – by fully imagining your ideal – and by fully releasing it – knowing since you have experienced conception – that birth must follow.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Have you listened to – The December Neville Goddard Mastermind – Click Here.
“When you pray believe that you have received, and you shall receive.” When the physical creative act is completed, the sinew which is upon the hollow of man’s thigh shrinks, and man finds himself impotent or is halted. In like manner when a man prays successfully he believes that he is already that which he desired to be, therefore he cannot continue desiring to be that which he is already conscious of being. At the moment of satisfaction, physical and psychological, something goes out which in time bears witness to man’s creative power.
The distinction is a subtle one if it exists at all. The concept behind the phrase “faking it until you make it” I think is an accurate one. Taking on the quality of the person who has the attribute or character desired and behaving or coming from that quality.
So it implies some form of premeditation ie imagining of what it would be like to have the quality.
I see that faking it is probably not having taken the imaginal step first.
There is a quote by IBM founder Tom Watson.
“IBM is what it is today for three special reasons. The first reason is that, at the very beginning, I had a very clear picture of what the company would look like when it was finally done. You might say I had a model in my mind of what it would look like when the dream – my vision – was in place.
The second reason was that once I had that picture, I then asked myself how a company which looked like that would have to act. I then created a picture of how IBM would act when it was finally done.
The third reason IBM has been so successful was that once I had a picture of how IBM would look like when the dream was in place and how such a company would have to act, I then realized that, unless we began to act that way from the very beginning, we would never get there.
In other words, I realized that for IBM to become a great company it would have to act like a great company long before it ever became one.
From the very outset, IBM was fashioned after the template of my vision. And each and every day we attempted to model the company after that template. At the end of each day, we asked ourselves how well we did, and discovered the disparity between where we were and where we had committed ourselves to be, and, at the start of the following day, set out to make up for the difference.
Every day at IBM was a day devoted to business development, not doing business.
We didn’t do business at IBM, we built one”
Great share about IBM.
I truly get how Watson had a vision – and came from the space of that vision – acting and reacting in the world in a way that embodied that vision.
If they faked it till they made it, he would have been telling people something like, “We have offices in every major city – with local field reps – who develop relationships with their clients”, when they didn’t have that.
On the other hand, coming from the vision, he could state with authority, “We have designed and structured IBM, so that our clients will have local field reps that they get to know personally, who are based in offices in every major US city.” And it’s easy to tell, when one states a vision like that – with authority – that the vision drives the company.
Great share mate,
PS: We started FreeNeville.com with a vision, that evolved and continues to evolve. Give away the best we can find recourses on the net, including audios and lectures. Suppliment that material with free lessons – like this one. And make it possible to support the work, and dive deeper into Neville with products and services that take more time, energy, and resources for us to prepare and distribute. What a great adventure enriching lives is.
PPS: IBM changed the lives of millions – and changed the way we do business – because of the vision of it’s founders. We all have that VISION power. The question is, will we choose to use it?
Great topic and discussion. Thank you stephen for your input and mr. twentytwenty for your thoughtful response. It’s great to get so in-depth with the issues. The bit about IBM was really inspiring too!
Thanks Leonard.
Then today, I just happened to listen to Neville’s story about Xerox, and how it was….
Whooo yah!
Mr.TT, is it not the same meaning? “fake it” , “assume the state”.
Totally different mate.
That’s what the article is about.
Faking requires that you NOT be it.
Being it, makes it impossible – to fake it.
This is good bc I just realized that this is what I did when I started my garden business some years ago ( which no longer exists ).
1. I wanted to try to do this bc I love gardening although I had no formal schooling in gardening .
2. I realized it was now or never as I wasn’t getting any younger.
3. So I started ASSUMING that I was a garden designer, and started making that happen.
Within a few months of that act, I had, 2 large clients who stayed with me for the 5 years I had that business. And those years were definitely some of THE BEST IN my life. Granted, I made a fair amount of poor choices due to poor business planning and a lack of self confidence. But I often think of that time in my life and wonder what could have happened if I had made those better decisions. My clients were like FAMILY and it was oh so wonderful.
I loved just about every minute doing all the work. Even the drudge work involving digging in the dirt! I had my niece make an image of me as a gardener and I looked at that picture every day and it came true! But now, I want to once again work for myself, but am having almost TOO many ideas of things I want to try, and I can’t even write a clear focused plan of action and am feeling scared bc I am in a hard place with money and health. So, Mr 20/20 , I would love to hear any thoughts u have on this and thank u in advance!
Hi Kattalina!
Just to be clear… The picture – and looking at it – didn’t do anything.
FEELING that THAT WAS already part of your reality – is what matters.
I mention it, because you mention the photo. And often people get hooked on doing physical things, because they remember doing physical things – but they don’t remember THE IMAGINAL ACT.
Our suggestion, keep diving into our work here. We don’t know, what you don’t know. So specific advice without having worked with you in Manifesting Mastery etc is tough for us to do, and give you something accurate.
To begin, make sure you are using ALL the tools here:
TT and V and E
We imaging lovingly for you!
Good morning…!
Thanks for the words….! Very helpful, although I had always have a question about this….what if you want to be in a great loving relationship and you feel like you are in it, you react to the world from that state, BUT then you meet a friend who you haven’t seen in a while and then he asks you: “do you have a boyfriend….?”. What are you supposed to do….? Because you are living from the state of being in a relationship, but if you say “yes”, that would be lying…..and in the other hand, if you say “no” it’s like not living from the state of being in a lovely relationship, ’cause you brain is processing “not in a relationship”….
Important clarification in the world of vision boards and mantras. good one.
oh as many times as I have read this from you – I found such a nugget:
I carried myself with the dedication, confidence, and strength that comes from knowing that it is done – I release all expectations – and I get to discover when and how it happens in my life.
Release Expectations. My Ninja Buddha partner says that all the time to me too, and I get often confused because it seems I am confused between “release expectations” and “revise, or re-write as the operant power”.
Of course I am talking about my needing to work with humans.
Can you help clarify this one for me? releasing expectations…is that the “how” … and releasing that?
Thanks TT V and E
Hi Lisa!
It’ begins with a desire (an expecting) and ends with an assumption.
“It is done.”
The mistake people make, is letting go – of their assumption – and their desire.
Here’s a goodie example:
How is that to begin?
Blessings to you!
TT and V soon
Here’s another….
Nobody ever got poor or broke or unhealthy….
They got poor, broke, unhealthy – – through crappy imaginings.
So skip the silly stuff – and go right to the cause!