“I know this much: if you believe to the point of acceptance, life will be marvelous for you, perfectly wonderful for this is the one secret in the world that everyone should aspire to solve, for God is that pure imaging in ourselves. He underlies all of our faculties including our perception, but he streams into our surface mind least disguised in the form of productive fantasy.” – Neville Goddard
Hi TT and V
This has been so far the best journey of my life after having my kids. It’s not that I been having so many winnings, I have had some but there are not those tangible easy to explain.
It’s more of that sensation I HAD…
…before entering to a room full of people that in other time intimidated me because of all the thoughts of fear, rejection, look she is better, that one is there the one that has everything etc…..that uncomfortable feeling of I am missing something, but now the sensation I have entering the same room not caring who is there or what they are going to think or say.
It’s the joy of knowing who I AM, the confidence that all this has given me…
…of knowing I can be, do, say, have anything and everything I want. Its having that sensation of butterflies many times in a day just because I enter into sats or I experience something about a wish or just the excitement-of thinking about a new wish or an aha moment!! Or just by doing the lessons, listening to the lectures or reading the posts in facebook.
I’m enjoying everything about it! I can’t explain you how lucky I feel that I stumble upon your website. Going back to this week lessons it was good to practice the basics again you always get something new.
One of the things that impacted me the most…
…and I’m sure is going to change my life is about the resources states. That’s why after that lesson of revision I decided to buy Revision to the Max, I really want to nail it. Having a mom and her sister obsessed with weight and a family from my Dads side most of them obese I struggled with eating disorders and weight for the most part of my life. Since the beginning losing the weight and self image has been one of my buns. I tried all the tools already many times without success.
My peace comes NOW from the knowing…
…that I can create resources states, I went back And imagined my Mom giving me a dessert that she prepared, (she never let me eat deserts) telling my aunt that in her family we all can eat whatever we want because we don’t struggle with weight, replacing the memory of my mom telling me how fat I was or that she was not going to buy clothes for me until I loose the weight and I wasn’t even fat but in her eyes I was.
That comment about fill in the blanks was everything!
You are right we are always filling the blanks with our memories, the first things that come up to our minds, so lets make them the best memories so they fill the blanks with what we want and with joy and happiness.
Thanks so much!
Lots of love!!
Alicia M. – Day 36 in Manifesting Mastery
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