Hey mate,
We just love Success stories, and what we love even more are UPDATES to your Feel It Real Success Stories.
You might remember Suzanne’s earlier success story where she manifested her dream car!
Suzanne’s Plus I Got My Dream Car – Neville Goddard Success Story
Today, she shares with us what her past year has been like. Get ready because it’s gonna get good.
Let’s dive in with a quote from Neville:
“Eventually we are all going to know we are the Father; but in the meanwhile, persistence is the key to a change in life – more income, greater recognition, or whatever the desire may be.”
“If your desire is not fulfilled today, tomorrow, next week or next month – persist, for persistency will pay off. All of your prayers will be answered if you will not give up.” – Neville Goddard
I wanted to take this moment and keep you updated of the turn that my life has taken.
In January 2015, I started learning more about the teaching of Neville and enrolled in the 90 days MM course and I also bought many of your lessons throughout the year.
Many changes occurred and around July 2015 I went through a very dark time but I always followed all the email you will send me and do the lessons.
Around December 2015 things started shifting more and getting clear. But since January 2016 my life has turned 1000%.
My business is on the rise like never before. I also find the love I always wanted, and everything that I had difficulty with in the past seems to just go away like someone had just waved a wand and make it disappeared.
The confidence I lost is back, me and my team are at the front line and on top of the scoreboard, we are getting the recognition we deserve, after not giving up for 10 years. Words cannot describe the feeling in me. All has to do because I opened myself up to learn more with you and Neville.
Thank you for being you and doing the work that you are doing, for by that you help us be the best of who we are.
You are an amazing teacher; you have the ability to make simple what others make complicated.
I recommend your teaching to all that surround me.
Send my love to Victoria and Emmett,
I give you permission to share my letter.
Blessings and love always,
Suzanne from Montreal Canada
Manifesting Mastery Graduate – 2015
Great Suzanne, I am happy for you. I am still working on my ideal self and life also for those close to me. Small things are easier to manifest its the larger things thats taking some time.
This is so encouraging!