“The secret is to imagine to the point of self-persuasion. Can you believe what you are imagining?”
“There are not two of you – you and Imagination! You are not reshaping a piece of pottery when you imagine, but yourself!”
“You are moving into your desire. If you persist until you see exactly what you want to see, fix your position with the glue of feeling and remain there – it will be reflected on the screen of space, just as your world is now reflecting the fixed state from which you are viewing it.” – Neville Goddard
Just finished listening to Manifesting Mastery lesson 21! Like I mentioned in my last email to you, “following your bliss” question and Acting on it is by far for me the most effective tool yet.
Acting on this question, just made me accomplished very simple yet productive tasks. I used to spend a lot of time being busy but the busy- ness of my days were not truly leading in the direction I want to be…
But acting on my bliss, empowered me to truly focus on what I wanted to see fulfilled…. A lot of things started happening …
The best happened this morning…
I live in the New England area where we just went through the the blizzard… I woke up this morning with over 3 feet on snow in my driveway…
After unsuccessfully trying to find a residential snow removal service, I just remember to do the exercise. I sat down and asked myself: “How do I follow my bliss in dealing with this snow? ” the only answer that flashed through my head is: ” it would be wonderful if somehow I opened the garage door and the snow was cleaned up by someone else…”
Before I finish the sentence in my head, I heard a motor sound near my house… You would not believe what I saw…. One of my neighbors, was removing the snow in my driveway with a snowblower….
I just moved in the neighborhood and do not really know my neighbors! I only spoke to this neighbor only twice last October! And I don’t believe in coincidences anymore.
I thank you for these sessions!
With gratitude,
Pauline T – Day 21 in Manifesting Mastery
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