Hey mate,
Today you are going to read EXACTLY why we do – what we do, and why we are so passionate about Feel It Real and Neville Goddard. When you eliminate all excuses, and Follow The Formula, you will get results. And in this case – life saving results. Let’s dive in with this Neville Goddard quote:
Now, this exercise calls for, I would say, the active, voluntary use of imagination as against the passive, involuntary acceptance of appearances. We never accept as true and as final anything unless it conforms to the ideal we desire to embody within our world, and we do exactly what the grandmother did. But now we start it and we do it daily. You may get your results tomorrow; it may come the day after; it may come in a week, but I assure you they will come. – Neville Goddard
Three days ago I had called my friend and found him very tense. He said that he had a fight with his girlfriend and while he was talking with her on phone, she suddenly screamed loudly and then there was no reply from her side.
My friend was saying Hello! Hello! but still there was no reply !! after that he had called her many times but no one was picking up the phone!! He was afraid that since she was angry with him or frustrated about the relationship so she might have done something wrong to her !!
After that I said to him she must be absolutely fine ! Don’t worry everything is fine!
Then I did a feel it real session ,created a scene where my friend seemed very happy and he was saying that “she is absolutely fine and now they are in a very happy relationship”…
I repeated the scene again and again until it felt real to me in imagination and then I assumed the wish-fulfilled state.
The next day he came and said me that still there was no news from her side and he was very much scared and tensed!! But his words didn’t affect me..”I said she is fine”.
That day again I did my session ,even if he was continuously saying me what could have happened!!
But like Neville had said “when you have heard the words in your imagination and believed it to be true, then no power in the world can stop you from experiencing it in your external world”.
I confess that at times even I was afraid or thinking negatively but again and again I did a FIR from 4-5 mins and again I was thinking from the end.
The next day in the morning my friend came excitedly and shared the same words “she is now absolutely fine”and now everything is resolved between them and he is happy.
At first moment when i heard him saying that I thought it could have happened anyway but then i remembered that my imaginal act was only the cause of this, I was really surprised at how beautifully this stuff works , I was responsible for their healthy relationship!! that made me a lot happier and it really feels so great!!
He said that his girlfriend was trying to attempt a suicide but something stopped her and she called him back and apologized and the issue was resolved!!
Thanks to you both for sharing such great stuff!!
Diving Deeper into Feel It Real and Manifesting Mastery
Note: Anu has been working with us since September 18, and keeps diving deeper into the Neville Goddard lessons here on the site and and now the Feel It Real Power Pack. Something happens, when you decide to keep diving deeper into Neville, and when you commit to Following The Formula.
Good on you Anu for sharing with our Neville Goddard family today. You are a rockstar. Keep going and keep glowing! TT and V