“You can only scatter the seed and let it fall where it will. And it will fall on those four kinds of soil. It always falls on four; and as it falls on the good, it will simply rise within them, and. they will have the identical experience that you have had. When it falls on the highway, quickly other ideas devour it. When it falls among the thorns, the cares of the world encroach upon it and choke it. If it falls on the rock and the rock is not prepared to let the root go too deep, the sun scorches it, and suddenly something comes up and it’s all gone. But when the soil has been prepared, it goes deep, and it bears a hundredfold.” – Neville Goddard
Hey mate,
Today’s Neville Goddard lesson is about the soil of your mind, and the minds of others. Let’s take the quote Neville shared with us above, and dive deeper into it so you can manifest what you want in life, starting right now.
“You can only scatter the seed and let it fall where it will. And it will fall on those four kinds of soil. It always falls on four; and as it falls on the good, it will simply rise within them, and. they will have the identical experience that you have had.” – Neville Goddard
Victoria and I scatter seeds. We share the philosophy that we live by, and for those who prepare their soil, it works wonderfully. And for those who don’t, it doesn’t. Let’s dive into how to make it work wonderfully for you.
“When it falls on the highway, quickly other ideas devour it.” – Neville Goddard
When you learn of the methods of Neville, do you do them right away, or do you have to contrast and compare them to every other thought system under the sun? Do you accept them as true or do you argue with yourself about why it should work or why it can’t possibly be true, going back and forth until you get confused? Do you spend more time thinking about them and the alternatives – what other people are doing or are you diving in and Following The Formula?
If your inner world around this is more about ideas than action, then your seed is falling on the highway. It’s getting devoured by other ideas, other philosophies of life, other ways of approaching life. And living on the highway, dodging traffic day in and day out – is no fun. In fact it’s dangerous. The good news is, there is a simple solution.
“When it falls among the thorns, the cares of the world encroach upon it and choke it.” – Neville Goddard
“You don’t understand TT and V, I don’t have time for my sessions. I’ve got kids, and bills to pay and real world responsibilities.” “Every time I think about doing a session, the phone rings and….” If that’s you, time to put that to rest. Do Feel It Real, or don’t.
Invest your time and money in what will make a real dent in the bills and a real difference in your kids lives – or don’t. One of my mentors told me years ago, we all can make excuses – or we can do the work and reap the rewards. After that talk, I found myself sneaking off to the toilet, and locking the door – so I could sneak in a quick session. Obviously, that worked…
“If it falls on the rock and the rock is not prepared to let the root go too deep, the sun scorches it, and suddenly something comes up and it’s all gone.” – Neville Goddard
To let the root go deep, you have to let go of controlling all the specifics. You choose what seeds get planted in your garden. YOu can’t control where the roots grow and when the shoots show. You aren’t here to control and micromanage the universe, you are here to create. Before you plant the seed, prepare the soil so the roots go deep. Go to THE END. How it happens, isn’t up to you. When it happens, isn’t up to you. Let the roots go deep.
“When the soil has been prepared, it goes deep, and it bears a hundredfold.” – Neville Goddard
You are about to learn how to prepare the soil, so the roots can go deep. When I was a child, I would watch Grandpa in the Garden. Grandpa used to spend HOURS prepping the soil, before taking just a few minutes to plant seeds.
What can you do to prepare your soil today?
Step #1: Sit in the silence. Explore the State Akin To Sleep. This is the MANIFESTING MULTIPLIER. And this is “the one” that so many people tell us they don’t have the time for – because of the kids – because of work – because of the bills. Starting right now, make the time for it. Sure, it’s a bit challenging at first and it can be a challenge for any of us to get into on “one of those days”. But dive into it, it will AMPLIFY everything else you do correctly.
Step #2: Get the Recipe Right. Follow The Formula. If you don’t Follow-The-Formula, it’s like throwing out the roadmap that’s been left behind by those who have reproducible results. The Right Roadmap will get you where you want to get to every single time. This is why we love Neville. His family manifested so amazingly well, their NATIONAL economy was transformed.
Step #3: Stop INSISTING there is something “out there” is the source of your happiness or your problems, your wealth or your poverty, your feeling loved or your feeling lonely. There is nothing “out there” that can change your life. Your inner game determines your outer game. If you start right now to use Feel It Real to Produce Wealth – you will produce wealth. If you start Feeling It Real so you feel loved and lovely – you will make it easy as pie for someone else to love and be with you. It all begins – within.
Remember, it all begins with you, preparing your soil, and that’s what you are learning about right now. Do the three steps, and the seeds you plant will become forests of abundance.
Many blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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I love it ! As always thanks for taking your time and sharing such a wonderful message, I’m in the Manifesting Mastery (I’m doing lesson 18) and I’m loving it so much, and I did and do other wonderful things that TT and Victoria offers, and I recommend it to everyone, it takes just a little bit of time, not more than you take a coffee or tea. I’m preparing my soil, planting seeds and while I’m doing it there are amazing changes small and big, but I know at the end I will be in the middle of the most loveliest and amazing garden. but I would say do the courses it really helps and “don’t give up !!!” prepare the soil patiently so you can manifest the most beautiful and amazing garden. Thanks TT and V for the beautiful and encouraging daily messages to help us to keep going, preparing the soil and plant the seed, and not give up !!!
Twenty, great thought expression. Written so simple for those to understand.
Always enjoy reading my morning mail from you.
Big smile.
Conni ~
I am on Day 13 of Manifesting Mastery. I can tell you the soil is being prepared. I was in the pit of despair and worry when I stred the program, and the mood was with me all day for months. I already feel completely different. This is such a different approach from trying to visualize good when you feel hopeless or scared. I’ve already manifested a repeat coaching client and an apology from someone who VERY much needed to clean things up with me so that we both could move forward in our business relationship.
There are so many metaphors to seeds and planting… reaping and growth: this is just exceptional, how you have broken down each sentence from someone we are literally able to track in our lifetime's reading, his own successes with this. And, I never considered the power of Neville's imagination as he did, indeed, sway the entire national financial situation. Wow – I dream that big too. You put a new, good bug in my ear 🙂 Thanks, as always
This is truly excellent. I followed one of the links and came to where you tell a poster to use revision. This is such good advice, I’ll copy it here so your other readers can see it too. Thank You, TT and V!
From your other post:
Since this sounds like a pattern that keeps repeating – use Revision. Revise the past incidents – so they never happened.
That way, you won’t be walking around FEELING those old negative feelings – and having them resurrect into your life again.
Make sense mate?
TT and V
This lesson has incredible depth and broken down in detail specific steps to take and how to counter the mind chatter. I believe it is one of the best lessons I have read. Lisa Marie in a previous posted says it so well. I am grateful for this knowledge.
This has brought me to the brink of oblivion. I don't dare try it anymore, I'm afraid the next session will actually kill me. I have been so gullable I am ashamed to have spent money on this.
Hi Greg,
You’ve spent money on education mate. You’ve never spent money on imagining.
Human beings imagine CONSTANTLY. Most of it is on autopilot. And for many, the autopilot is not pointed in a direction that makes them happy.
My guess, based on heaps of experience is – that you are thinking about what you want – and FEELING something else. Feeling ashamed and imagining you have been gullable must totally suck. We can imagine you coming from a different place and that will invite you to that.
And it will help if you choose to notice – everyone – all the time – is imagining. Good. Bad. Indifferent. Notice the good. Imagine the good. If you aren’t feeling good, get up and move. Eat some good food. Yes, that will help.
Holding you as blessed mate,
TT and V too
Sometimes you need to repeat this over and over to us until we finally get it and start doing what we should be doing. It seems easy, but that state akin to sleep is the hardest thing in the world to master!
Hi Claudia!
You nailed it. There really are only a FEW lessons, with HEAPS of variations.
So we keep exploring – the few lessons – and the heaps of variations.
And we get to always notice, we all got brainwashed into our chosen limitatations – by hearing them – seeing them – over and over and over again.
When you are told you are small, powerless, separate from God – long enough – you buy.
And when you get reminded often enough you are MASSIVE, all powerful and one with God – the blinders fall off your eyes – and you start noticing it.
Blessings to you!
TT and V