“Hi TT and Victoria, I have a question on Revision. My son Charles was sent home from Cubs, for smacking a child in the face.”
“Now I get revision about replaying the scene to be something I want, that I understand, however Charles has to understand it is socially unacceptable to smack folk that annoy you! By punishing him am I undoing the revision? You’re thoughts much appreciated on this. Thank you.” – Loving Mom
This is a great question that will help a great many people get how cool and powerful these lessons of Neville Goddard are. So let’s set the stage with a quote from Neville about Revision.
“Dwelling on PAST irritations….”
“Dwelling on past irritations or hurts perpetuates them and creates a vicious circle that serves to confirm these negative emotions. The circle can be broken by starting now to revise anything that you no longer wish to sustain in your world.”
“By revising the past, you rid yourself of any effect it may have on your future. Revision is truly the key, which can be used to unlock the doors that have kept you trapped in a particular state. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Neville Goddard
Here’s what is really cool…
We don’t get that the punishment would undo the revision, but we have a great idea for you to really amp up your results. Teach Charles how to revise, and why to revise.
Remember, what you don’t want to repeat – revise.
Revision DONE RIGHT breaks cycles that repeat, and prevents events from repeating themselves.
“If you take a few moments and have him close his eyes, and imagine the situation again. When it gets to the point where things got out of hand, stop – back up a bit in time – and rewrite what happened into something much nicer. Something fun and loving that would benefit both youngsters.” – Mr Twenty Twenty
But why don’t we TOTALLY erase the incident so it NEVER happened at all?
Let’s notice what Neville says do do next…
“So I went down to the potter’s house and there he was working at his wheel. The image in his hand was misshapen, but he reworked it into another image as it seemed good to the potter to do.” – Neville Goddard
The word potter in scripture means imagination.
The image in his hand is the memory / experience of the event. Notice that Neville teaches not to erase the event entirely, but to refashion it into something that seems good to the potter. You don’t want to totally erase the incident, because that would erase the learning that came from the event.
We want our youngsters to be able to
….handle events like being picked on or aggravated when they show up in the world. It would be hard to imagine a world where kids never get picked on or people don’t get aggravated. But it’s easy to imagine, IF you ever were, that you responded well. That you responded in a way that turned a seeming foe into a lifelong friend.
Remember, how you experience others…
is something you can change BIG TIME with THE TOOLS. Teaching your son Charles to imagine a new response and a new level of friendship changes who he is in the world, and that will open up doors that will change his life forever.
Many blessings to you and Charles today Mom!
Remember to always, feel your ideal as real.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
It’s TIME! – Master Revision and MASTER your life!
Get Revision to The Max – Just $7 today! – Click Here!
“Dwelling on past irritations or hurts perpetuates them and creates a vicious circle that serves to confirm these negative emotions. The circle can be broken by starting now to revise anything that you no longer wish to sustain in your world.”
“By revising the past, you rid yourself of any effect it may have on your future. Revision is truly the key, which can be used to unlock the doors that have kept you trapped in a particular state. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Neville Goddard
This is a wonderful post. I can't wait to have grandchildren so I can teach them the ways of Neville. Imagine how powerful their lives will be, growing up with this knowledge instead of learning it after many many years of struggle!
THIS is simply a fabulous post, a well articulated teaching for the parent and for the child. I love this because it really brings the teaching into real world. Sometimes as I Imagine it Real – I have just no trouble at all feeling it, imagining it, having it. Knowing it. And then sometimes, just like the child and parent above, I hear of a friend’s story that is hurtful or somehow perceived as damaging etc…. and I know I can personally revise it, but to teach the revision and WHY to revise for the other person is truly helpful.
Especially for children or any disenfranchised person who feels downtrodden. I love this.