Hi TT and V,
I want to share with you a quick post on how I forced a session on a new job, well within a week I received a phone call from the recruiter say the posting has been pulled. I was disappointed at first but then thought this is a perfect opportunity to work on revision. I did this in my morning and evening session for 5 days, then on Friday my boss came to me at my present employer and said they would like to make me one of the people managers in the office.
The lesson to be learned here is even when you are told no, revise it in your mind anyways and see if things still don’t work out for the better, the universe doesn’t like vacuums and will fill the gap with something. Than you TT & V for all your Neville breakdowns and easy to understand explanation, this stuff is priceless.
Take a course, change your world!
Blessing to all,
Dave in MI
NOTE: Dave is in our 90 Day Manifesting Mastery Program which is designed to get you out of your way FAST, so you can use the methods WITHOUT resistance – and get the results you want in life. Join us today!
Congrats! Great story but I can’t quite tell from your story, did you get the job that your recruiter told you was pulled or did you get a promotion job at where you were already working?
Minor details in the larger scheme of things. Great going!