Hey mate,
We call them love letters. Sometimes we get them every week from Manifesting Mastery members (which is good fun), and sometimes we get them “once in a while”. Either way, they make our day and they help our family grow in the most lovely ways.
Today’s love letter is from Rebecca, who loves Neville, who has been teaching metaphysics, and who from week one has been loving the shifts and the successes she has generated after beginning the course. Let’s dive in and notice how simple and easy Following The Formula has become for her, and notice the lovely results too!
“For instance, if I single out as an event, shaking a man’s hand, then that is the only thing I do. I do not shake it, then light a cigarette and do a thousand other things. I simply imagine that I am actually shaking hands and keep the act going over and over and over again until the imaginary act has all the feeling of reality. The event must always imply fulfillment of the wish. Always construct an event which you believe you would naturally encounter following the fulfillment of your desire.” – Neville Goddard
Hello Twenty Twenty and Victoria!
I am on day 84 of Manifesting Mastery and I am happy to report that your program has activated some amazing shifts for me.
I signed up for the program because I have been a fan of Neville’s for quite a few years and I had been getting your newsletter for quite a while.
I had self published my book in January of 2014 and was getting a little frustrated because things were moving too slowly for me. The first week into your program I started to feel a shift in my consciousness.
I was a little surprised, since I teach metaphysics and found it interesting that I had gotten myself stuck. Your daily teaching started to work the very first week. I was led to send a query letter to a NY literary agent.
I used the techniques to feel myself getting great results. She loved the book, I signed a contract and now she is pitching the book to all the big publishing houses.
I also started a conversation with a colleague about doing workshops together and now we are working on a new project and getting very positive feedback.
I would highly recommend Manifesting Mastery to anyone who is feeling the least bit stuck. You rally are a great teacher and your program works!!
I will let you know when I get the book and movie deal!!!!
Love and Light
Rebecca – Day 84 – Manifesting Mastery
Join Rebecca and us in Manifesting Mastery today! Click Here!
Hi – I loved this post! I may be able to even be one who can assist in your movie – Twenty, please connect Rebecca and me if you think it is the right potential connection.
Coming together through Neville just makes it even more cool.
Also loving Neville -all things neville. Also doing Neville. Also loving Twenty and how beautifully he helps us just get it. Live it. Remember it.
I would be happy to connect with you. Rebecca
Making it happen!