Hey mate,
This weeks reader success story is a goodie. One that is sure to inspire you, as it does us.
Hey TT and Victoria, Two very wonderful things have happened that are a direct result of our imagining. A few months ago my 5 year old needed to have dental surgery. This was very difficult for us because he was born with no enamel on his teeth and we wanted to keep his suffering to a minimum. We decided to wait until now to get them capped (the silver caps look awful and the porcelain is so expensive and has a tendency to chip). Waiting was our best option.
So in January, we were given an estimate of what we would pay and what our insurance would pay. Our portion was $2,236, our insurance would cover $900. We felt that the price was affordable and we had a few months to prepare for the expense, but that wasn’t good enough for me. It just didn’t feel right, so I began to think of alternatives.
I imagined the impossible. I could hear my son’s wonderful doctors saying, “We’ll just pull the ones in the front they’re going to fall out anyway, and it’ll save you guys some money”. I didn’t know how it would happened because those teeth in the front needed to be capped the most ( one had been chipped long ago). It felt so impossible at first, but I kept going anyway. I had even lied to myself a bit saying that he was due to lose a first tooth soon.
Sure enough, a bottom tooth started to wiggle. He lost that one. We scheduled the surgery in faith and just two days before his pre-op appointment, he lost another tooth while eating. I could hear his doctor’s words in my mind and I knew it would happen! At the appointment, he said everything I thought he would say. Our co pay went from $2236 to $1,056! Michael was put under anesthesia with no difficulties. He now has a wonderful smile to match his wonderful personality and we saved over $1000.
And the story continues. Imagine how wonderful it feels, to teach your kids to Feel It Real – and watch them succeed!
This second story is about how my 5 year old (Michael) manifested a new Hot Wheels racing set. He had been watching this YouTube video of a man demonstrating how this set works. I swear he watched it over and over again for a month wanting it. I wasn’t buying it. it was so expensive. It wasn’t until he asked me for it that the magic began. I told him that i was not buying it and I jokingly explained to him how to get it by using his imagination. I never expected him to use it.
Two days later, for some strange reason, we went to a discount department store. He wanted to look at toys, I refused because he and his brother Evan had plenty, and I wanted to look at the gardening supplies. After about 30 mins of shopping, he wanders off to the toy section and comes back to me screaming, “Mommy I did it! Come look!”
At the top of the shelf, facing forward, was the same set he imagined playing with two days earlier. Instead of its regular price it was marked down to $13.99! I couldn’t believe it. My 5 year old can manifest his desires. My husband couldn’t believe it when we came home. Mikey is a believer. He talks about it all the time. I thought it would be difficult to encourage this way of thinking in my home (the world can be cruel to dreamers). I am so happy to know my boys will consciously use their power and live a better, more meaningful life. Thanks for everything. You make this so much easier to understand. Feel free to edit this testimonial as you see fit. E. C.
Be as little children in your sessions. Have faith. Expect miracles. Because miracles are the sign that you are truly learning – that through imagination – you are one with God.
May you have an amazing day! Look for special goodies in your inbox this week. And remember to always feel your ideal as real.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
This Week’s Articles:
How To Be At Peace – Even when the world seems like it is against you. This simple reminder of Neville’s brings us back to peace – every single time.
How To Stay Positive – When things don’t seem to be working out your way.
it IS true! and how wonderful to hear these testimonials!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories TT.. they really made my day!
Wow! Wow! WOW!!!!!!
I've heard many success stories so far, but none was so exciting, amazing and inspiring as the one about your little boy imagining the toy. Congratulations, and may these successes remind you that nothing is impossible. Thank you sooo much, and God bless you – through you.