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The mustard seed only knows one thing.
Mustard seed. It is not about a small amount of faith. It’s about absolute faith. Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality.
Not just the unseen reality of your wish, but the unseen reality of you. You are not this little meat suit.
You’re the spark behind the eyes. You are what gives life. Because you are life itself.
And you get to discover how full of shit you are. Just like I do. You see, you are how God has the adventure of a lifetime.
And when you settle for a struggle, you’re basically denying your divinity.
When you deny your divinity, you deny that your desires are divine in origin, and they have both the plan and the power of fulfillment.
Well, let’s get back to that mustard seed.
Because the mustard seed is absolute faith. Not a little bit of faith. And this is faith in you. If you had faith in you, you wouldn’t need special numbers.
You wouldn’t be chanting.
You wouldn’t need affirmations.
You wouldn’t be seeking the next quick fix.
You’d be exploring you.
We are so vast that what if the only thing you really came here to do was what Neville said, to know imagination.
What you are is imagination. Awareness of being is God. Imagination is all there is. And you came here to explore it and enjoy it.
And so we do our little calls. We do our little courses.
Years ago, I called it the Explorers Club. I just might go back to that.
Because it’s a club that explores. Everything that I do, it’s a little We make up a clubhouse. We’ve got a live call.
Come join us. People show up at the clubhouse, and we have some fun, and then we go on our ways. And you get to carry with you the explorings and go out and explore some more. Now here’s the thing.
I can’t explain to you how affirmations work. I can’t explain to you how special numbers work. I can’t explain to you how rocks in the sky or rocks in your pocket work.
Because they don’t. And there’s plenty of people with explanations.
And I’m inviting you for explorations. Because what if it was true?
You are how God has the adventure of a lifetime. And what if it was time to start living that way?
So, you get to discover, what would it be like to have no interest in doing what doesn’t matter?
Like affirmations, special numbers, all that silly stuff. I’m not saying it couldn’t be fun. I mean, science has proven affirmations light up the pleasure center of the brain.
Right, there’s two pleasure centers that affirmations light up.
Just like the Simpsons.
Just like a Snickers bar. But none of that manifests anything. You imagine watching The Simpsons? You just might. And you just might do it while eating a Snickers bar.
If you imagine effectively…
Remember that mustard seed lesson?
Absolute faith. Not just in the reality of your imaginal act, but absolute faith in you. My name is Mr. 2020.
You are listening to a special edition of podcast coming to you live from the garden. Dive deeper. Soar higher.
Hey, while you’re here, share the damn thing. I just shared something with you because you know why?
Because it matters. Don’t waste one drop. Always be investing. See ya.