Hey mate,
Today we share a really cool Neville Goddard success story from Stacie. Notice how her dedication and exploration have blessed her, and made manifesting easier and easier, with results that come quickly. Let’s dive in to her letter.
Hi there… I’d like to give you an update on my progress with Manifesting Mastery.
Over the weekend I got a call from my daughter. She and her boyfriend have been living in my condo for over a year, and they got engaged a couple of weeks ago. As a mom, I’ve allowed them to live in the condo with them only having to pay the expenses. I’ve wanted for some time to sell the condo, and relieve myself of the burden it’s become.
On Sunday I got a call and my daughter said she needed to come over and talk to me urgently. When they arrived we sat in the garden and she said they want to move out within 2 weeks into an apartment, so they can cut their own expenses back. I sat there quietly, amazed at how quickly my Neville sessions worked. I looked at her and smiled. She thought I was going to be mad, but I wasn’t. I was very happy. Then I called a real estate agent friend of mine, and she said that she’d love to list the property for sale.
Over the week, the real estate agent got back with me and it turns out that I’ll be able to sell the condo for a profit, but also that the housing area is now in a “seller’s market”. I told her that in my mind, the condo is already sold to someone who is ecstatic to live there. I’m using the “I wonder how it will happen” to keep me in a positive frame of mind. I have to admit… learning THIS trick was like unlocking a door.
Overall, I’m amazed because recently my “feeling it real” has seemed to just explode! I’m finding it so much easier to get into a feeling than I did before.
Every week I feel like I’m getting more confident and powerful in my manifesting sessions.
I would love for you to share my story! It’s becoming so easy to Nevillize these days, we need to spread the good news!
Have a blessed day!
Stacie L.
Stacie is on lesson 79 of our 90 day Manifesting Mastery program. If you want to explore manifesting at a whole new level and get rid of old habits and programming that gets in your way then join us. Manifesting Mastery – Click here – For less than the price of a cheap cup of coffee a day you can totally transform your world. Blessings!