Hi Twenty Twenty and Victoria,
I wanted to share a success story that happened a couple of years ago, before I even knew about Neville or Feeling it Real.
One morning, one of my cats (his name is Moose) had not come home when it was time for me to leave for work. He has done that before, so I wasn’t really worried about it, I just knew I would need to come home at lunch to let him in the house. When I came home at lunch, he wasn’t there either. That worried me a little bit, but I just thought he wasn’t ready to come home yet. The little bugger. When I came home after work and saw that he still wasn’t home, I knew something was wrong and started looking for him. To make a long story somewhat shorter, he was gone for almost 2 months before we found him.
I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that we would find him. He has never run away before and was mostly an indoor cat. We had flyers all over town, an ad in the newspaper, postings all over Facebook – I KNEW we would find him. While Moose was missing, I would day dream that I was lying on the bed with my husband, I would look down and see both my boys curled up at my side and just feel how much love and contentment there was in the room. I would do this at night before I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning.
Towards the end of month two, on a Sunday afternoon, my faith started to shake. It was the dead of winter in Canada (very, very cold) and I missed him so much. I started thinking about how much I loved him and I feel asleep on the couch crying. Less than half an hour later, I woke up to the phone ringing. It was a lady who saw our ad in the newspaper who thought it may have been Moose that was coming to her house the past couple of days for food. Of course, my husband and I immediately went to check out the lead. We didn’t find him but the lady told us the next time she saw him, she would call me first and then feed him so I had time to get there before he wandered off.
On Tuesday, with my faith renewed, I called our local shelter (for what felt like the hundredth time – they were starting to get sick of me calling). They said he wasn’t there, but “for some reason” I felt compelled to go there anyway. I called my husband and asked if he would pick me up and take me to the shelter. He agreed, even though it was starting to get painful for us going there and not finding him. Neither one of us was able to give up on him. We went to the shelter after work that day and he WAS there! He had been brought in late Saturday evening (which I now understand was the reason for the “random” tip we received on Sunday that renewed my faith at exactly the time it was starting to wane). As it turns out, it wasn’t Moose the other lady was feeding. I believe now that her call was a bridge of incident that we had to cross in order to keep the faith and continue our search.
Now, on lazy Sunday mornings like today, I get to see my husband lying on the bed, with me and both boys at my side. It’s a wonderful, wonderful thing!
Oh, and by the way, the lady who called with the tip decided to keep the other cat as her own, so that little fella had a happy ending as well.
Thank you for everything you do!
Carol from Manifesting Mastery
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