Neville Goddard Spanish – Neville Goddard En Espanol
We are excited to share Imagine A – Neville Goddard Simplificado is now available in Spanish on the Amazon Kindle.
Translating the methods of Neville into Spanish for members of our community to read and share with their friends is an exciting development here at
Read it on your kindle, or on just about any mobile device or computer.
Have a great day!
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Neville Goddard Spanish – Neville Goddard En Espanol
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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Seria maravillos poder obtener obras escritas en espanol , de este gran escritor espiritual, es realmente una inspiracion, que nos incita a tratar de mejorar como seres humanos.
THAT IS SO WONDERFUL… Que Bueno – ahora podemos conversar y explorar juntos! YAY good on you Twenty!