Hey mate,
Today’s Neville Goddard quote simply reminds us how to be good stewards of the mind.
As an experiment, just for this weekend, we want you to hold today’s quote in mind – and follow it to the letter.
So, when do we operate The Law of Neville’s? Let’s peek and see.
“It is not when I want something big in life that I operate this law. Every second of time I do it. It is not once a week on Sunday when I go to church, not once a day when I retire at night, I am constantly observing what I am imagining. All the things that I am imagining are going to come to pass. They’re not receding into the past, they are advancing into the future to confront me.” – Neville Goddard
Take this weekend, and do an experiment with us. Anytime you observe something inside your mind that you don’t want in your life – stop imagining that – and begin anew. Imagine ONLY what you want advancing into your future – and use today’s Neville Goddard quote as a source of peace, power, and prosperity.
Have an amazing weekend, and DO THE EXPERIMENT. (We look forward to hearing about your results and experience.)
Mr Twenty Twenty
Today’s Neville Goddard Quote is from, “I Am The true Vine – and you can listen to it here: I Am The True Vine
Neville Goddard in His Own Voice – Volume 3 – Neville Answers Your Questions – These are more of our favorite Neville Goddard Lectures – where Neville Goddard starts his lecture – with a question to be answered. Notice how his style is “the usual Neville”, but with a special flavor or twist. We are doing something Very special with these ones, inviting you to pay what you choose – so that everyone can get this amazing collection. Go get the details now by clicking the link.
Many Blessings for sharing. Neville is one of my strongest Mentors, amen.
The key thing – everything we imagine whether it's lack consciousness or abundance consciousness, we will or ARE experiencing what we focused on with belief in IT!
Have been observing for years and years, both large and small imaginings, continual and passing. It is a challenge and.mostly requires change or adjustment.to be a match for what I want to ex;perience in the outer. Feels like the ultimate responsibility in life.
Thank you so much for Neville on line.
This is something I am learning more and more about and beginning to see it work. I look forward to learning more and I appreciate how Mr. Twenty Twenty simplifies Neville.
So simple. Just be aware of thoughts (pay attention), stop the negative thought and be what you desire.
Thank you.
Thank you! Always a GREAT reminder!
I find myself doing this more often now. catching myself and moving away from a negative thought. Great food for thought. as always ~
Great food for thought using this practice more and more thanks to your teaching and Neville. Thank you.
This has literally become a habit now, since working with you. I mean, I always knew NOT to focus on anything I did not want to put energy into…but to make it an invitation like this makes it more- fun – for me. So, yes, I am having success at this more and more -and the results are my life is more and more as I wish it to be, more and more often. I love the new Habit! THANKS You Two!
LOVE Neville… the original law of attraction guru!