Hey mate,
Like many readers here at FreeNeville.com, I was raised (programmed) to believe that not only was God “out there” someplace, but “out there” was also “the devil” – who had his job to do. So we were asked recently, “Can the devil be blocking my blessings?”
Let’s see what Neville has to say: The Devil is the STATE OF DOUBT.
“The word Satan means doubt. Desiring a certain state, reason may tell you it will be difficult to attain, and your friends may say it is impossible.”
“If you listen to them and doubt your desire’s fulfillment, Satan has made himself known to you.”
“Your protractors – God and Satan – are always with you, for one is faith and the other doubt. Can you imagine you are the one you would like to be, and remain faithful to that assumption?”
“If you can and do, it will appear, and you will realize that its spiritual cause was the moment of assumption. ” – Neville Goddard
Let’s break this down a bit, and have some fun.
- Reason may tell you that your desire will be difficult to attain. (Notice that REASON not only says it will be difficult, but that your desire is STILL in the future.)
- Your friends may say “it’s impossible”. Believing in your friends BELIEVING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE – puts “the power that is you” out there – in THEIR belief. (Just believe in YOUR empowering belief – knowing that it is a done deal.
Neville says that God is faith, which means your true nature is that of FAITH, being one with God. When you DENY the truth about you – Doubt ruins your day.
And the more you explore – the more you will find – your awareness of being is God.
You are how God has the adventure of a lifetime.
Aif you can imagine that you ARE THE ONE you would like to be – and remain faithful – that will become real.
BONUS TAKE AWAY: Notice how often our lessons here focus on Neville’s “the one you would like to be”. It’s not about “a million bucks”, it’s about you being “millionaire minded”. It’s not about an external thing – it’s about you. Being “millionaire minded” (like Neville’s brother Victor) you will generate and experience countless opportunities to have amazing wealth. (On the other hand, being poverty minded – you could have millions in the bank – and be miserly and miserable.)
So let’s do what Jesus did, and anytime DOUBT (the devil) shows up in your world, stop and be still.
This tells “Satan” to get behind me…..
I will have NOTHING to do with you”. Because when doubt is behind you, you don’t see it, it is gone into the past, and you can fully focus on and live from the state of the wish fulfilled.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Neville Goddard’s Doubt Destroyer – The Magic Moment
I needed this one. Right on time. Thanks 20 20.
thank you Shay. Many blessings.
God is faith, the Devil is doubt – simple and brilliant ;/)
Thanks Mark!
Big love to you mate!
TT and V