Hi TT,
I started Manifesting Mastery, lesson 8 yesterday. after about a week off. I have a lot to report to you. You may use any part for testimony, by the way.
I told you how I imagine the operation to be painless.
Not that it was without pain at all. This is my second c-section. The recovery has been remarkably painless, though. I was in bed for one and a half days and I had been out and about after that.
My son had mild jaundice and was kept in hospital for three days and going back and forth from home and hospital aids my recovery. Today is the 8th day after surgery. The incision pain is totally gone. Imagine it real, even for novice works if you give it a chance.
Another thing which works is, I don’t know what the term is, but this is what I did. My anesthesiologist wanted me to try spinal block for the operation.I wanted general anesthesia. I even told him that I recover really fast from GA, usually within 2-3 hours. I convinced him, but he gave me a high dose this time.
As soon as they finished the operation, which was within 30 minutes, I was fully conscious and my anesthesiologist was really surprised. He even exclaimed, “You are one tough cookie.” It’s like convincing others while convincing myself kind of thing.
In one of your recent newsletters, you did mention that we do not need to concentrate on only one. Sometimes many small things can be the beginning of things manifesting like crazy in your life. This is what I am trying to do. Correct me if I am wrong.
This past week has been a roller coaster ride emotionally. However, instead of succumbing to these ups and downs, I have started to notice the emotions and could always stop them before they escalate. This includes postnatal blues.
Lesson 8- Commentary. I only concentrated on 2 things. One of them is I became a multi-millionaire because I became a multi-millionaire. You know, I noticed my thoughts were trying to sabotage me. “You are only a teacher, for God’s sake. How on earth are you to become a multimillionaire?” I brushed it aside and continue with the mantra. Refusing to believe it.
So these have been my progress so far.
Here’s Seamus Auliya, my second son, born on 24th October.
Thanks much for doing this. Many blessings to you, V and the pups.
Kirsty in Manifesting Mastery
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