Hey mate,
Today we share another Neville Goddard Success Story from Willy, who not only saved his marriage, but also had a huge inner realization about the lovely lady he is married to.
When you dive into the works of Neville the way we share them, you bring the power home, and discover you and only you are the creator of your circumstances, and that allows you to see the true beauty and love in those around you. Let’s dive in:
“All things exist in your consciousness, be they love or hate. Nothing comes from without. The hills to which you look for help are those of an inner range. Your feelings of love, hate or indifference all spring from your own consciousness. You are infinitely greater than you could ever conceive yourself to be. Never, in eternity will you reach the ultimate you. That is how wonderful you are. Love is not a product of you, you are love, for that is what God is and God’s name is I am, the very name you call yourself before you make the claim as to the state you are now in.” – Neville Goddard
My wife and I have been married for the last eighteen years and since we are both very strong willed, it has not been smooth sailing. Last week, things came to a rolling boil and she decided to leave.
As soon as I saw the back of her heels I knew I was right and finally I could have peace and quiet. But a small still voice told me different.”Are you SURE is that what you really want?”
My true answer was, NO! “Then what are you going to do about it.” I felt so helpless and ashamed of myself. Then it came to me that my only and true way to put things right was to do a FIR session. I went into the silence, and Felt It Real by talking to her and making amends.
It was hard since I knew I was right and naturally she had to be wrong. It was not easy to do a Feel It Real Session at that point, but did it anyway. Three hours later she came back and by the next morning, I knew that we were no longer married but were into a relationship.
I had been judging her but now I understand that what she really is a WOW, aka Woman of Wisdom, worth respecting and loving much.
Willy – Day 14 – Manifesting Mastery
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