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I think the enemy of being alive is being okay.
I honestly do. I think the enemy of being alive is simply being okay. And I’m not okay with that. My name is Mr 2020. You are listening to the
Power of Imagination Podcast
where vision matters.
I think being okay is a great place to begin. But I notice a lot of people settle for a fake okay. In other words, they sort of talk themselves into it, kinda.
When you sort of talk yourselves into an okay kinda, it’s not really an okay. It’s more like a KO, a knockout.
One, two, three, you’re done,
and you want to get done with the day, and you want to get more things done.
I don’t think you came here to be a doer. I had a great one on one with a dear friend of mine yesterday, and we explored to do lists, we explored done with lists, done with that, did that, and And we explored winning, accomplishment, doing what matters, doing what multiplies.
And there are things that we get to do every day.
Feed the dog, water the plant. I get it. That’s cool. It’s good. Do that.
That’s the shit you get to do every day. And it takes me about 10 minutes to take a good poo every day.
The rest of the 24 times 60 minutes of the day. So if I take 10 minutes and poop a day, that means I’ve got 24 times 60 minus 10 minutes left a day.
I can’t do that much math. But I’ve got a lot more time today to
Enjoy to expand to express to be alive Not just be okay with getting things done or being a doer You came here to be a dreamer
You are the dreamer of the dream your desires are divine in origin and the moment you settle for simply being a doer
Here’s my to do list.
Here’s my list of things I got done again I’m a fan of doing that water the dog feed the plant,
but at the end of the day
Accomplished I hit the gym. I, I hit it today. I’m going today. Right. I am, I’m making the podcast today.
These things matter because they multiply something.
Start changing the math that you live by.
When you…
live according to addition and subtraction. Uh, that’s a zero sum game. In other words, you’re worried about what’s going out. You’re worried about what’s coming in. On the other hand, the
Miracle of Multiplication changes everything.
If you want to explore that, if you want to dive deeper, a couple of ways you can do that.
Chat to me. If you want to get on some calls group or one on ones and go get goodies at
We’ve got a lot of live call recordings there, too, along with some other really cool shit.
All right, that’s about it. Let’s imagine up something lovely as we go into the silence.
Can you really accept something lovely into your life in 10 to 20 seconds?
I’d suggest more often than not, you accept something into your life much faster than that.
And if what you’re accepting into your life creates inner argument, inner stress, instead of oh boy, oh joy, you get to play more. Stop settling for okay.
Start experiencing more. All right. Have a great day. My name is Mr. 2020.
You’ve been listening to the Power of Imagination Podcast.
If you’re getting gold, dive deeper, soar higher, and share the show. Be the blessing. See ya.