Hello Dear Twenty and V,
Jackie here… If you don’t recall, I am the friend of Lisa’s. We chatted on Skype once… I completed the 90 day Manifesting Mastery program recently.
It was a fun process and had a profound impact on me on many levels. So much happened during that time and I learned so much.
First of all, I think I already told you that i set out to manifest 30K of unexpected income in the 90 days, and I did so in 60 days. That was fun, but it also put my business in flood!! Ha… I see why we need to focus on the FEELING we want in our lives (such as never needing to worry that I will have the money to pay for my son’s special needs education services, his school tuition, our second home mortgage and so on).
That’s how I came up with the 30K figure… to pay for all of those things without feeling stress…. Hmmm… wonder what would have happened if I just focused on feeling relaxed and easy, knowing that I have the money to pay for those things.
Maybe someone would have given me the money, maybe we would have found tuition assistance, maybe our second home mortgage would have been waived (a family member holds the mortgage and he is very wealthy!). Instead, I was happy to see what I was able to manifest… I mean it WAS totally cool manifesting that extra money and feeling the power of feeling it real.
Anyway…. I am getting called for dinner now, but the other thing I learned was that I did not manifest another 30K in the last 30 days (I said I would double the money in the last 30 days).
I didn’t and it was because I didn’t believe it… It was beyond my faith, my energy, my vibration or whatever…. So I have new things to focus on … new things to just relax into knowing that I have God within and as me as the spiritual power of my imagination.
Off to dinner with the family…. Life is good.
Much love,
Jackie from Manifesting Mastery
This is an Amazing Testament to the Wonders of Feeling it Real. I appreciate the fact that you stated that you not receiving the 2nd $30,000.00 was totally because of you. Truly Neville teaches us to be aware of the fact that we create The Bliss and or the miss! I’m revising on your behalf, holding in thought that I see another success story from you stating, “My 2nd 30 Grand Has Arrived”
Peace and continued Blessings
Dr. Theodosia