TT and V
I have seen almost daily posts on FB from you guys. Keep up the good eating – how about telling us what each dish is please. (Larry follows us on facebook, and enjoys photos of our dinners. If you want to follow us too, CLICK HERE.)
Now down to the business. I needed $1000.00+ to pay the power bill and another urgent bill. I got a job for 500 wedding fans that paid the whole thing and was all done in house with a few days to spare on getting the payment made. Those who doubt that this works are not following the formula.
Thank YOU so much for guiding me on the correct path and avoiding the things that do not work and only frustrate us.
Blessings to you both and the spirit of Neville.
Larry Newman
Larry B. Newman Printing Co.
Knoxville, TN
Note from TT and V: You are right mate, this stuff WORKS. All you have to do is get out of your way and follow the formula. That’s why we keep writing (over 500 free articles), give away 221 free lectures, and keep producing the trainings and the products. We want this to work for you too, so thank you for being here. Many blessings!
PPS: Larry is in Manifesting Mastery. If you feel like you need a tiny bit more than what you’ve been getting elsewhere, then dive in and join us. The testimonials speak for themselves and the course will rock your world. Join us – Click Here!