Hey mate,
Many people – put in too much effort and tension – when manifesting. And that can cause things to backfire big time. That’s why Neville taught us to use the State Akin To Sleep, and that’s why it’s VITAL to your success to eliminate exactly what causes you to add tension and drama into ANY part of your life.
Think about this, when you listen to Neville speaking, or when you listen to us in our videos and audio recordings – do you hear ANY drama? Do you hear ANY tension? Are we working hard and stressing out – or are we IN THE FLOW.
Today’s Neville Goddard Success Story is from Kat, who obviously has dove in deep, and nailed this, and who is in the flow. Notice how she imagines lovingly for her neighbor, and notice that she doesn’t add in one drop of drama. She is getting to live the Neville Goddard Lifestyle.
“When you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled it is with a minimum of effort. You must control the direction of the movements of your attention. But you must do it with the least effort. If there is effort in the control, and you are compelling it in a certain way you are not going to get the results. You will get the opposite results, whatever they might be.” – Neville Goddard
Hi TT and V.
The house next door’s roof was looking in need of major repair. My husband and I wondered how the owner, an elderly gentleman might be able to afford a new roof, as tiles would fall off with each big gust of wind. I even wondered if there might be a city program that could help him.
Then I caught myself. I realized that was none of my business and not my job. My job is to use my wonderful imagination. That’s my only job. Imagine that! I’m letting that sink in.
TT and V: Notice that Kat caught herself “buying into the baloney” and then remembered what her real job is, to imagine lovingly.
Every day I see his roof as I make my coffee in the morning. So I would spend a few moments looking at his beautiful new roof. I may have also given thanks for the new roof, too. I would spend a view moments immersed in the vision of my imagination. And then I was enjoying my coffee. I’ve probably done this naturally and organically for around 6-8 months.
TT and V: You are imagining something – pretty much all the time – pretty much all day long. The way most people do this – is not good. We’ve been doing this so long that at first, we don’t even notice it. What’s cool is you can stop imagining UNCONSCIOUSLY and start using your imagination with ease – just by imagining something lovely for someone every day – while you RELAX with your morning coffee or while enjoying driving your car to work. Just let imagining lovingly become something easy and natural you do – all – day – long.
Today I am happy to report the roofers are putting the new roof on as I type. And it looks great.
Do you notice how clean feeling this is? It is without heaviness. There’s no, “Oh, the elderly neighbor was finally able to get a new roof.” None of that. It is simply, “New beautiful roof!”
TT and V: Notice how Kat just appreciates – the new roof. No drama. Drama depletes you. Delight reveals your endless energy. This is what happens, when you dive deep, and choose to make this a way of life – no matter what.
I’ve learned even more about the right use of my wonderful human imagination from this experience, and wanted to share it with you, with thanks for everything you do. Now from my home office window, I see our roof with a beautiful solar array.
Kat from Manifesting Mastery
PS: What lessons did you learn from today’s lesson? How has it inspired you to dive deeper and get the results you want in life?
Join Kat and us in Manifesting Mastery today – Click Here!
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Fantastic story! A true angel in disguise… Thank you for the inspiration!
What a wonderful beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing, you are real inspiration to all of us. So kind of you to imagine for this old gentelman.Thank you again.
Great story, but I’m a bit confused about something.
Neville and yourselves talk about the ‘state akin to sleep’ and how important it is, but Kat doesn’t seem to be using that if she’s imagining while she’s making coffee.
Reminds me of when Neville describes a woman using what she called her ‘telephone technique’. No relaxation, just imagining something different in the moment.
So being (physically) relaxed is helpful but not necessary?
Hi Matt!
Generally, we are imagining – and creating our circumstances with our imagining all day long.
The State Akin To Sleep – in our opinion – is the most effective AMPLIFIER of results that you’ll ever come across.
Simply relaxing, while drinking coffee or smoking a cigar can be very powerful.
And deeply exploring the State Akin To Sleep – and using it for your sessions – is life changing.
We’ve been exploring it for about 25 years, and we still practice and explore it daily.
It’s that good.
TT and V
Gotcha. That’s what I was thinking. Imagination creates reality, doing it in state makes it more effective. Thanks TT
You are welcome my friend!
TT and V too