Hey mate,
Today Jean shares with us how after just 15 days of DIVING DEEPER, she has a joy for life she hasn’t felt in YEARS.
Let’s dive into her lovely share, it’s short and sweet and it PACKS A PUNCH. IMAGINE you – having a joy – you haven’t felt in YEARS.
“When you come before me, rejoice, because rejoicing implies that something has happened which you desired. Come before me singing, giving praise, and giving thanks, for these states of mind imply acceptance of the state sought. Put yourself in the proper mood and your own consciousness will embody it.” – Neville Goddard
I amThrilled & Excited to Be Alive!
No more day-to-day drugery for me. My goodness, if this is where I am now on Lession 15! Wow! Just imagine where I’ll be at the end of the Manifesting Mastery course. Just imagine?….Yes, thank you, I’ll definitely do so (no pun intended re: “imagine”).
There is an excitement, a “joi de vie” (joy of life) I haven’t felt in years. There’s a spring in my step. A hope that bubbles up from the depths of my being. I now look forward to each day – each new session to see what’s next, what else I can do with my imaginings to bring me joy so I can then share it with my family, friends and my community, at large.
To say the least, this course is eye-opening. As TT says – just do the exercises each day, follow the formula it works. Well, I’m doing what TT says, and I’m here to tell you, TT is absolutely right. You can count on me to keep going…my life’s just getting better and better each day.
Thank you TT and V from the bottom of my heart. Great stuff here.
FYI – this was written just after I did Session 15 (I’m now about to move from Session 17 to Session 18). You absolutely have my full permission to share my email with others & use it as you choose.
SO glad I finally got Manifesting Mastery. Thanks for all you guys do.
With Much Gratitude,
Jean Keith
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