Join Us for FEEL IT REAL FUN – Episode 238 – How To Move From having a HARD LIFE to Having a HAPPY LIFE – Instantly! – Join us NOW!
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#1 “So, the question is,”Can you feel right now that you are the person that you want to be?” And then assume that new state. Is this the secret?
If yes, how does one maintain that desired state longer than just a few seconds or minutes?
Any help on this subject would be most appreciated.”
#2 “Unfortunately what I suspected happened and I am losing my job. I really don’t know what to do because I just moved to a new flat,have some savings but can’t pay the bills for too long.
“I am desperate.I try to feel from the state of having good new job but it’s so hard. It’s about paying bills the next month and so on. I asked all my friends if they know something.How can I get out of the situation?”
Is it THE SAME as what you are DOING SESSIONS ON?
“Are you thinking from the state you desire? Or is your dream just a passing fancy, a daydream you enjoyed for the moment and then dropped?”
“You can tell if you abide in your house of desire by watching your thoughts, for the state in which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place.” – Neville Goddard